Page:Creative Commons for Educators and Librarians.pdf/54

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able” terms. The deeds are not legally enforceable but instead summarize the legal code. Take some time to explore the deeds for CC BY ( and CC BY-NC-ND ( and identify how they differ. Can you find the links to the legal code from each deed?
FIGURE 3.1 The three layers
of a CC license'

  1. The final layer of the license design recognizes that software plays a critical role in the creation, copying, discovery, and distribution of works. In order to make it easy for websites and web services to know when a work is available under a Creative Commons license, we provide a “machine-readable” version of the license (see figure 3.2)—this is a summary of the key freedoms granted and obligations imposed, and is written into a format that applications, search engines, and other kinds of technology can understand. We developed a standardized way to describe licenses that software can understand called CC Rights Expression Language (CC REL) to accomplish this. When this metadata is attached to CC-licensed works, someone searching for a CC-licensed work using a search engine (e. g., Google Advanced Search) can more easily discover CC-licensed works.

Have a web page?

This work is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Copy this code to let your visitors know!

<a rel="license"
"><img alt="Creative Commons License"

FIGURE 3.2 Example of
“machine readable” code

From Creative Commons License Chooser:

CC BY 4.0