Page:Creole Sketches.djvu/94

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After, he come to me de t'irte-et', and say, "Madame, you get to me one oder room, dat for I not leave de house. No more can I suffer de noise infernal and outrajeous vat make dose infants detestable." I say, "Monsieur, take vonce vat room you deseer, and leave me tranquille."

He den take room on front floor; but in middle night he go down gentle de stair and put all tings updownside, and go back in ole room. Den in de morning he tell my domestique to him aid, an' for more as five hour dey walk up de stair an' down de stair carr'ing much of valise an' of trunk an' of ole pantalons an' of washing-basin an' of pillow — and of pot. De vat ma disguss.

At de end all at sudden he take oder room, and dere install him well — vat I much surprise. But not more be I surprise ven dat I see him go out from de house, away, an' one negro vat carry him