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Ord. No. 60/71

(c) unlawfully does any act by which the life of any such person may be endangered,

shall be guilty of an offence and on conviction upon indictment shall be sentenced to death.

Piratical acts.
1698, c. 7. ss. 7 & 8.
15. (1) A person commits a piratical act if—

(a) being a British subject, he commits any piracy or robbery or any act of hostility or robbery against other British subjects on the sea under colour of any commission from any foreign ruler or under pretence of authority from any person whatever; or
(b) being on board any British ship he—
(i) turns pirate, enemy or rebel, and piratically runs away with the ship, or any boat, munitions or goods;
(ii) voluntarily yields up the ship, or any boat, munitions or goods to any pirate;
(iii) brings any seducing message from any pirate, enemy or rebel;
(iv) assaults the master of the ship in order to prevent him from fighting in defence of his ship and goods;
(v) confines the master of the ship; or
(vi) makes or endeavours to make a revolt in the ship.

(2) Any person who commits a piratical act shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction upon indictment to imprisonment for life.

Trading, etc., with pirates.
1721, c. 24, s. 1.
16. Any person who knowingly—

(a) trades with any pirate;
(b) furnishes any pirate with any munitions or stores of any kind;
(c) fits out any vessel with a design to trade with, supply or correspond with any pirate; or
(d) conspires or corresponds with any pirate,

shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction upon indictment to imprisonment for ten years.

Being found on board piratical vessel and unable to prove non-complicity. 17. (1) Any person who is found within Hong Kong on board any vessel equipped for the purposes of piracy, shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction upon indictment to imprisonment for three years.