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Ord. No. 60/71

(b) with intent to alarm or to injure Her Majesty, or to provoke a breach of the peace or whereby a breach of the peace is likely to be caused—
(i) discharges, or points, aims or presents any arms at or near Her Majesty;
(ii) causes any explosive substance to explode near Her Majesty;
(iii) assaults Her Majesty; or
(iv) throws anything at or upon Her Majesty,

shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction upon indictment to imprisonment for seven years.

Other Offences Against the Crown.

Arson of Her Majesty’s ships etc.
1772. c. 24. s. 1.
6. Any person who wilfully and unlawfully sets fire to or otherwise destroys—

(a) any of Her Majesty’s vessels of war, whether afloat or being built or under repair;
(b) any arsenal, aircraft factory or dockyard of Her Majesty or any building erected therein or belonging thereto;
(c) any materials in any dockyard of Her Majesty for building or repairing vessels;
(d) any of Her Majesty’s military or naval stores, aircraft material or other munitions of war; or
(e) any place where such stores, material or other munitions are kept or placed,

shall be guilty of an offence and on conviction upon indictment shall be sentenced to death.

Incitement to mutiny.
1797, c. 70, s. 1.
7. Any person who knowingly attempts—

(a) to seduce any member of Her Majesty’s forces or any member or officer of the Royal Hong Kong Regiment or of the Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force from his duty and allegiance to Her Majesty; or
(b) to incite any such person—
(i) to commit an act of mutiny or any traitorous or mutinous act; or