Page:Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act 2007.pdf/2

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2 No. 30599
Government Gazette, 14 December 2007

Act No. 32, 2007
Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act, 2007

General explanatory note:

[                      ]  Words in bold type in square brackets indicate omissions from existing enactments.
                          Words underlined with a solid line indicate insertions in existing enactments.

(English text signed by the President.)
(Assented to 13 December 2007.)


To comprehensively and extensively review and amend all aspects of the laws and the implementation of the laws relating to sexual offences, and to deal with all legal aspects of or relating to sexual offences in a single statute, by—

  • repealing the common law offence of rape and replacing it with a new expanded statutory offence of rape, applicable to all forms of sexual penetration without consent, irrespective of gender;
  • repealing the common law offence of indecent assault and replacing it with a new statutory offence of sexual assault, applicable to all forms of sexual violation without consent;
  • creating new statutory offences relating to certain compelled acts of penetration or violation;
  • creating new statutory offences, for adults, by criminalising the compelling or causing the witnessing of certain sexual conduct and certain parts of the human anatomy, the exposure or display of child pornography and the engaging of sexual services of an adult;
  • repealing the common law offences of incest, bestiality and violation of a corpse, as far as such violation is of a sexual nature, and enacting corresponding new statutory offences;
  • enacting comprehensive provisions dealing with the creation of certain new, expanded or amended sexual offences against children and persons who are mentally disabled, including offences relating to sexual exploitation or grooming, exposure to or display of pornography and the creation of child pornography, despite some of the offences being similar to offences created in respect of adults as the creation of these offences aims to address the particular vulnerability of children and persons who are mentally disabled in respect of sexual abuse or exploitation;
  • eliminating the differentiation drawn between the age of consent for different consensual sexual acts and providing for special provisions relating to the prosecution and adjudication of consensual sexual acts between children older than 12 years but younger than 16 years;
  • criminalising any attempt, conspiracy or incitement to commit a sexual offence;
  • creating a duty to report sexual offences committed with or against children or persons who are mentally disabled;