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6Ch. 58
Criminal Law Act 1967

Part I.

exercise of some other power (such as the power to make a probation order), may impose a fine in lieu of or in addition to dealing with him in any other way in which the court has power to deal with him, subject however to any enactment limiting the amount of the fine that may be imposed or requiring the offender to be dealt with in a particular way.

(4) Notwithstanding anything in any enactment whereby power is conferred on a court, on a person’s conviction of an offence, to bind him over to keep the peace or be of good behaviour, that power may be exercised without sentencing the person convicted to a fine or to imprisonment.

(5) There is hereby abolished so much of the punishment for any offence as consists in any general forfeiture of lands or of goods and chattels or in being placed outside Her Majesty’s protection or otherwise incapacitated to sue or be sued.

Jurisdiction of quarter sessions. 8.—(1) A court of quarter sessions shall not have jurisdiction to try an indictment for any offence for which a person may be sentenced to death or may under or by virtue of any enactment be sentenced to imprisonment for life:

Provided that this subsection shall not deprive a court of quarter sessions of any jurisdiction which the court has under the law in force at the commencement of this Act.

(2) Accordingly the offences which, when prosecuted on indictment, are triable by a court of quarter sessions shall be the offences mentioned in List A in Schedule I to this Act together with all other offences not falling under any head of List B in that Schedule:

Provided that, subject to section 16(4) of the 1962 c. 15.Criminal Justice Administration Act 1962 (which relates to part-heard cases), a court with restricted jurisdiction shall not have jurisdiction to try an indictment for an offence by reason of its inclusion in Division II of the said List A.

(3) For purposes of subsection (2) above “court with restricted jurisdiction” does not include the court of quarter sessions for any London Commission Area or the court of the recorder of any borough, but with those exceptions means any court of quarter sessions not being presided over by a legally qualified chairman within the meaning of section 2 of the 1938 c. 63.Administration of Justice (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1938 or by a person entitled under subsection (5) of that section to take the place of the legally qualified chairman of the court; and references in any enactment to offences being triable by a court of quarter sessions under that section shall have effect as references to their being triable by a court of quarter sessions not being a court with restricted jurisdiction.

(4) Notwithstanding any limitation in relation to an offence on the jurisdiction of a court of quarter sessions, a person may be indicted before, or committed for sentence to, the court