In truth, 'twas most bold that I said to them!
Yon are three new conspirators. Their arms
Are wroth that they have come a little late
To labor in the vineyard; but these men
Make proffer of themselves, for well they know
That it is written: "The same wage to all."
Lambert [sighing.]Bid them approach.
[The group comes forward toward Lambert.
What are your names, my brothers?
One of the Three."Whatever-those-opposed-to-you-may-plot-
Against-you-Praise-God" Pimpleton.
Another. And mine,
Is "Death-to-Sinners" Palmer.
The Third. I am called
"Live-to-be-born-again" Jeroboam d'Emer.
Rochester [to Lord Rosebery, in an undertone.
What say they?
Rosebery [in the same tone.] They've a custom most absurd
Of twining Bible verses with their names.
Lambert [holding an open Bible in his hand.
You swear—
Pimpleton. We, swear?
Palmer. Away from us all oaths!
Jeroboam d'Emer.Hell alone hears them, ay, and hell confutes them.
Pimpleton.From heathen blasphemies may faith deliver us!
Lambert.You promise, then—hands on the holy book—
[He hesitates.] To strike down Cromwell?