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Cromwell [to Willis.] Can …? Return you to the Tower
Forthwith, that no suspicion be aroused.
Rochester [still at the back of the stage.
All this bewilders me!
Willis [to Cromwell.] All this bewilders me! His Majesty
Knows my profound devotion.
Rochester [still unnoticed.] Knows my profound devotion. Majesty!
Devotion! Why, these men are Cavaliers!
Cromwell [to Willis, walking toward the door.
Above all things, look to the sentinels!
If any one should see us, our success
Would be endangered.
[Exeunt Cromwell and Willis.
Rochester [alone; he comes forward to the front of the stage.] Would be endangered. I should say as much!
I' faith, King Charles has most imprudent friends.
In this place to converse of our affairs!
The deuce! Conspire 'neath Cromwell's very roof!
'Tis most incredible audacity!
Suppose that other ears than mine had heard!
[Looking into the gallery.
But one of them returns. To frighten him
Is most important; let him realize
How recklessly he doth expose himself.
[He conceals himself behind one of the pillars.—Enter Cromwell.

Scene 15.—Lord Rochester, Cromwell.

Cromwell [he does not see Rochester.
Alas! man doth propose and God dispose.
I thought that I was safe in port, at peace,
Well sheltered from the waves, and here am I,
Cast suddenly into a sea of plots!
Once more I throw the dice—my head the stake!