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[Aside.]He seems devoted to me, and, in truth,
His very zeal was surest proof thereof.
[Aloud.]But put you to the proof I must and will,
And question you at length touching the faith,
Ere making you my chaplain.
Rochester [bowing.] Ere … my chaplain. So be it.
[Aside.]This is the parlous moment!
Cromwell. This is the parlous moment! List to me.
In what month did King Solomon begin his temple?
Rochester.In Zio, second of the sacred year.
Cromwell.And when complete it?
Rochester. And when complete it? In the month of Bul.
Cromwell.Terah three children had. And where?
Rochester. Terah three children had. And where? In Ur,
Of the Chaldeans.
Cromwell. Of the Chaldeans. Who are they who will
Regenerate the vitiated earth?
Rochester.The saints, who'll reign here a full thousand years.
Cromwell.By whom are holy duties best performed?
Rochester.Every believer hath within himself
Grace all sufficient. Would he preach the word,
Why let him in the pulpit but appear,
And learn, his thirst assuaged at Carmel's spring,
To say, instead of A, B, C, Aleph,
Beth, Ghimel.
Cromwell. Beth, Ghimel. 'Tis well said. Proceed unhindered.
Rochester [enthusiastically.]The Lord in spirit doth reveal himself
To all. One may, although not minister,
Or priest, or doctor, from on high receive
The vivifying ray—
[Aside.] The…ray—A sun-stroke, it may be.
[Aloud.]Without faith man but crawls upon the earth.