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Scene 6.—Lady Frances, Lord Bochester, Dame Guggligoy.

Dame Guggligoy [at the back of the stage, to Rochester.
Dear father, how he loves me! She's alone;
Come! come!
Rochester [aside.
Come! come! What power the devil hath bestowed
On paltry gold! Thanks to its influence
I have contrived the rigour to abate
Of divers saints in garb of musketeers
And of a damned duenna. She gave way
Incontinently; but at first methought
The troopers, pillars of the holy mount,
Were less amenable. But let the hand
Of one of those dragoon-apostles touch
A piece of gold, and the round head doth turn
More readily than others. They have grown
Weary of Cromwell, who enslaveth them.—
Ormond's advised ere this that the park gate
Will be surrendered on demand to-night.
And now for Frances! I am all aflame.
But I have potent secrets for success:
Doubloons and quatrains I can sow in streams!
I'll try my fate!

[He approaches Lady Frances, who does not see him, but seems lost in profound thought.
Dame Guggligoy [looking at a purse which she is concealing in her hand.]Ah! 'tis a goodly sum!

[Aside, glancing at Rochester.
Upon my word, he is a comely youth!
In this disguisement, to risk all, for love!
At his age they 're all mad! Each in his turn.
E'en so would Amadis of Gaul have done.—
And yet, should I allow—Is this my duty?