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That what I do for you is very little!—
Go now; prepare to settle your accounts
With God. We all are sinners, my good friends.—
A few brief hours hence, when dawning day
Shall lighten these old walls, you 'll all be hanged!—
Go.—Pray for me.

[The Soldiers, Lord Carlisle at their head, lead away the prisoners, all of whom, with the exception of Murray and Manasseh, maintain a haughty and disdainful attitude. Cromwell stands for some moments musing, then turns quickly to Thurloe.

Go.—Pray for me. Let Westminster at once
Be put in readiness. Now I am king!

[He returns to Whitehall by the postern, and Thurloe, after a low bow, goes out through the park.

Scene 9.—The Four Jesters.

[At the moment that Cromwell and Thurloe leave the stage, Gramadoch pokes his head out of their hiding-place, then cautiously comes forth, looking about to make sure that the stage is quite deserted; then he motions to the others to follow him, and the four look at one another with uncontrollable laughter.

Gramadoch.Well! what say you?
Giraff [laughing.] …ay you? 'Tis more and more absurd.
Elespuru.A scene from t'other world displayed in this.
Trick.'Tis downright mad, burlesque, incredible.
Giraff.A merry and amazing spectacle.—
Cromwell laid bare, to see! the smokeless fire,
Beelzebub without his smiling mask!