That brings me here. My lords, may God be with you!
Ormond.Do you bring news from Germany, dear sir?
Davenant.Yes, from Cologne I came.
Ormond. You saw the King?
Davenant.No, but his Majesty had speech with me.
Ormond.I do not understand you, by my faith.
Davenant.Here's the whole mystery. Cromwell, before
He gave consent that I should leave this realm,
Did summon me before him and demand
My plighted word that I'd not see the King.
I promised. But no sooner in Cologne
Was I than I recalled the wiles I learned
In Gascony: I wrote the King to beg
That I might to his presence be admitted
At night, without a light.
Rochester [laughing.] Most excellent!
Davenant.His Majesty, who vouchsafed to assent,
Gave audience to me, and honoured me
With his commands to be conveyed to you.
Thus, to my twofold duty loyal ever,
I had speech with the King, yet saw him not.
Rochester [laughing heartily.]Ah! Davenant, the ruse was well devised.
You've writ no more diverting comedy.
Ormond [to Rochester, in an undertone.
Diverting! I mislike such trickery.
A poet's oath is held of no account.
But subtleties like this, the which I call
By other names, would never satisfy
A gentleman's conception of true honour.
[To Davenant.] And the King's written order?
Davenant. In my hat.