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Another benefit is holineſs; or, if you pleaſe, the true, the Chriſtian morality, Let none think, the believer in Jeſus diſparages true morality. True morality is the image of the bleſſed God: It is moſt charmingly delineated throughout the whole Bible: It is the beginning of heaven in the human ſoul; and its proper origin is from the croſs of our divine Maſter. For, thro' the merits of his death, ſinners are made partakers of the holy Spirit; who writes upon their hearts, and makes legible in their converſation, what was anciently written upon the mitre of the high-prieſt, HOLINESS TO THE LORD. And oh! what a motive is the croſs of Chriſt to the exerciſe of every virtue! He died; my Lord, my Judge, my King died; to redeem me from all iniquity, and make me zealous of good works. How powerfully, far beyond any naked inſtructions, or abſtract reaſonings, do ſuch conſiderations invite us, urge us, conſtrain us, to renounce all ungodlineſs, and adorn the goſpel of God our Saviour!

Another bleſſing is victory over death. This alſo is the fruit of that once deteſted, but now ever beloved tree. For thus it is written, That through death, be might deſtroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; and deliver them who, through fear of death, were all their life-time ſubject to bondage. The devil is ſaid to have the power of death; becauſe, by tempting too ſucceſsfully