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they had applied to their own ſoulst' merit and atonement of the crucified Jeſus. By this means they were preſented without ſpot, and blameleſs; on this account they were admitted to ſee the King of heaven in his beauty! and to be ever, ever with the Lord.

Since then the croſs of Chriſt was demonſtrative of ſuch ſtupenduous love; ſince it is productive of benefits innumerable, invaluable, and eternal; was there not a cauſe for the apoſtle to glory on this behalf? Nay, might not the very ſtones have cried out, to reproach him with inſenſibility and ingratitude, if he had neglected to glory in the croſs of Chriſt. And ſince this love was ſhewed, theſe benefits were procured, not for him only, but for us, and for all generations; does not this afford me an opportunity of applying the doctrine to each particular hearer?

1. Let me addreſs, or rather let me congratulate my brethren in the miniſtry. Tho' you cannot controul the laws of nature; though you cannot ſee into the ſecrets of futurity, you have the ſame cauſe of glorying with the very chief of the apoſtles, a cauſe of glorying, which that holy man of God eſteemed far above all ſuch miraculous abilities. You have the croſs of Chriſt for your ſtudy, as men; for your hope, as Chriſtians; for your preaching, as miniſters.

For your ſtudy, as men. Here the reaſoning faculties may exert themſelves with