you, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveneſs of ſins; and, by him all that believe are juſtified from all things. Oh, my ſoul! my guilty ſoul! What are all the kingdoms of the world, and the glories of them, compared with this ineffable bleſſing! Yet this is but one among a multitude.
Another benefit, accruing from the croſs of Chriſt, is reconciliation with God.—When we were enemies, we were reconciled to God, by the death of his Son. Not pardoned only, but accepted; from a ſtate of enmity, reſtored to a ſtate of favour: even that favour which is better than life. A privilege of ſuch ſuperlative excellency, that it was celebrated in the hymns of angels. When the heavenly hoſt offered a ſong, this was the ſubject of their harmonious joy: Glory be to God in the higheſt, and on earth peace, good will towards men.
“By the birth of this wonderful Child, and the death he ſhall ſuſtain, peace is made between heaven and earth: and not peace only, but a divine friendſhip commences. God regards the poor apoſtate race of men, not only without indignation, but with complacency and delight. He rejoices over them to do them good.”
Another benefit is holineſs; or, if you pleaſe, the true, the Chriſtian morality. Let none think, the believer in Jeſus diſparages true morality. True morality is the image of the bleſſed God: it is moſt charmingly delineated throughout the whole Bible: it is the beginning of heaven in the human ſoul; and its proper origin is from the Croſs of our divine Maſter. For, through the merits of his death, ſinners are made partakers of the holy Spirit; who writes upon their hearts, and makes legible in their converſation, what was anciently written upon the mitre