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the Chriſtian's Glory.

rael be juſtified, and in him ſhall they glory, Iſa. xlv. 25. Let none ſay, that religion is a gloomy or uncomfortable ſtate: I call upon you, this day to rejoice.—Let none ſay, that religion in a mean or deſpicable thing: I call upon you, this day, to glory. And have the divine authority for both. —You will diſhonour the bleſſed Jeſus; you will diſparage his ſurpaſſing excellency: if you do not confide in him, and make your boaſt of him.—Chriſt is King of heaven; Chriſt is judge of the world; Chriſt is God over all. And of ſuch a Saviour ſhall we not glory? Yes, verily: And in all circumſtances, and on every occaſion.

Amidſt your manifold infirmities, glory in Chriſt. For, though he was crucified in weakneſs, he hath all power in heaven and earth. And it is written before him; It is one of his immutable decrees; Sin ſhall not have dominion over you, Rom. vi. 14. ———Amidſt your various failings, glory in Chriſt. For, his righteouſneſs covers all your imperfections: his righteouſneſs ſecures you from wrath and condemnation: and, though deficient in yourſelves, you are complete in him, Col. ii. 10. —Under the preſſure of tribulations, lift up your heads, and glory in the croſs. Becauſe the captain of your Salvation, was made perfect through ſufferings. If you ſuffer with him, you ſhall alſo reign with him. And the ſufferings of this preſent time, are not worthy to be compared with the happineſs, which Chriſt has purchaſed with his agonies, and will quickly beſtow on his people. —When death approaches; death, that cuts off the Spirit of Princes, and is terrible among the Kings of the earth: do you ſtill glory in the croſs. Adhering to this banner, you may boldly ſay: O death where is thy ſting ? O grave where is thy victory? 1Cor.xv.55. When that great, tremendous