Page:Crotchet Castle - Peacock (1831).djvu/252

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Ποίας δ̓ ἀποσπασθεῖσα φύτλας
Όρέων κευθμῶνας ἔχει σκιοέντων;

Sprung from what line, adorns the maid
These vallies deep in mountain-shade?
Pind. Pyth. IX.

Mr. Chainmail forgot the Captain and the route of Giraldus de Barri. He became suddenly satisfied that the ruined castle in his present neighbourhood was the best possible specimen of its class, and that it was needless to carry his researches further.

He visited the farm daily found himself always welcome; flattered himself that the young lady saw him with pleasure, and dragged a heavier chain at every new parting