Page:Crotchet Castle - Peacock (1831).djvu/297

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Give them the weapons! Pessimo, medius fidius, exemplo.[1] Forbid it the spirit of Frere Jean des Entommeures! No! let us see what the church militant, in the armour of the twelfth century, will do against the march of mind. Follow me who will, and stay who list. Here goes: Pro aris et focis! that is, for tithe pigs and fires to roast them!

He clapped a helmet on his head, seized a long lance, threw open the gates, and tilted out on the rabble, side by side with Mr. Chainmail, followed by the greater portion of the male inmates of the hall, who had armed themselves at random.

The rabble-rout, being unprepared for

  1. A most pernicious example, by Hercules!
    Petronius Arbiter.