Page:Crotchet Castle - Peacock (1831).djvu/303

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After the first dance, in which all classes of the company mingled, the young lady of the mansion took her harp, and following the reverend gentleman's suggestion, sang a song of the twelfth century.


Florence and Blanchflor, loveliest maids,
Within a summer grove,
Amid the flower-enamelled shades
Together talked of love.

A clerk sweet Blanchflor's heart had gain'd;
Fair Florence loved a knight:
And each with ardent voice maintained,
She loved the worthiest wight.

Sweet Blanchflor praised her scholar dear,
As courteous, kind, and true;
Fair Florence said her chevalier
Could every foe subdue.

  1. Imitated from the Fabliau, De Florance et de Blanche Flor, alias Jugement d'Amour.