Page:Cruel murder committed by Robert Johnstone on the body of Miss Jane Henderson.pdf/7

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You young men and maidens, I pray you take warning
By this cruel tragedy I'm going to relate;
For the death of my sweetheart, who ne'er did offend me,
I'm bound in strong irons my trial to wait.

My name's Robert Johnstone, and near unto Rosevale,
My father, a farmer, respected does dwell,
Being his only son he did rear me tender,
Till to swearing and drinking I unfortunately fell.

I fell deep in love with an Innkeeper's daughter,
A charming young creature, Jane Henderson by name,
Her sweet comely features and manners so courteous,
In my wretched bosom raised a fierce flame.

And oft by the Humber we've wandered together,
While fondly I swore I would make her my bride,
Ah! little she thought that I tried to deceive her,
While I smiled in her face as I walked by her side.

Unknown to her parents a long time we courted,
Till at length my dear Jane proved with child;
And often she urged me to keep by my promise,
As fondly and sweetly upon me she smiled.

Dear Robert, she cried, you've oftentimes told me,
You would make me your own, for you loved me so dear;
O think of my fate, if my mother should know it,
Pray make me your wife, for my time it is near.

I sent her a letter one evening to meet me,
By the banks of the Humber where the willow trees grow;
And there we'll appoint the day for our wedding
But be sure come alone, and let no person know.