Page:Cruise of the Dry Dock.djvu/89

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ar-re wid ye. I am always for law and ordher, Misther Madden, aven whin I am most disordherly,”

“That ees true, he ees,” nodded Deschaillon.

“And I always fight on th' wakest side no matther whether it's roight or wrong.”

“Hogan ees a chevalier, no matter eef he does have to paint,” corroborated the Frenchman.

“Are all the other boys in with Smith?”

“In with him, sor? Fr-rum th' way they stick around him ye'd think he was a long-lost rilitive come back wid a million pounds.”

“I'm glad you fellows are with me, Mike. I was just looking for a gun, but if you'll stand by me—”

“Oh, don't pull a pistol, Misther Madden. A man who would pull a gun in a free-for-all—why he would smash th' fiddles at a dance.”

“As you deed not fight zee day Smeeth said you stole zee whiskey, zee men—”

“Think ye'll be aisy,” finished Hogan.

“I've just ordered a change in diet,” observed Madden dryly.

“Oh, thin ye're goin' to give in to th' spalpeens?”