Page:Cry from the dead, or, The ghost of Mr James Guthrie appearing.pdf/13

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1 Sam. xxii. when a ſtorm was like to ariſe upon the church and people of God, he ſtumbles ſo far at theſe things as he falls to be an accuſer of thoſe that had been employed in the work of God, and walked in their integrity, to accuſe honest holy David; and from an accuſer came to be an open perſecutor of the people of God. We would take heed, that for currying favour to ourſelves, we be not accuſers of others, this is the way of many in theſe nations, they know no other way of currying favour to themſelves but by becoming accuſers of the ſaints of God: look to it, for in a while ye will turn open perſecutors: when none would fall on the prieſts of the Lord, Doeg the Edomite, ere he would loſe the favour he had gotten, fell on them.

Stumbling 3. A third ſort of ſtumbling that we would beware of, is, the ſtumbling of Shebna, treaſurer or ſcribe, Iſa. xxii. when Sennacherib, invaded Judah, though he pretended friendſhip, yet he in a ſecret way complied with Sennacherib, and ſo far as in him lay, ſupplanted good king Hezekiah, and the people of God; we would take heed of that.

Stumbling 4. Another sort of ſtumbling that we would beware of, is, that ſtumbling of Demas. 2 Tim. iv. 10. who when a ſtorm aroſe, he thought it meet to ſhift for himſelf, and embrace this preſent world, Demas has forſaken us, ſays Paul, having loved this preſent world, and is departed unto Theſſalonia. Look we pray you in this place, to that which is moſt like to be your temptation, viz. the luſt of the things of the world, if ye will prove ſtedfaſt in the cauſe that ye have owned, and therefore we would ſtudy to have our hearts looſed from theſe things that will make you ſtumble in a ſtormy day.

Stumbling 5. Another ſort of ſtumbling that we would beware of, is, the ſtumbling of Baruch, Jer. xlv. 3. when he and Jeremiah were like to be put to death, for the cause that they were engaged unto, he fainted and was afraid; Wo is me, ſays he, for the Lord has added grief to my ſorrow, I fainted in my ſighing