Page:Culture.vs.Copyright 01.pdf/117

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Three Models

Three Models: Summary

In general, the Authoright model includes the advantages of both the Self-tuning and the copyright models while having none of their disadvantages:

  • Under Authoright, as under Self-tuning, an author is more likely to find his first publisher if he is unique. And vice versa (unlike under copyright), an author is less likely to find a first publisher if he just replicates a well-selling author.
  • Within Authoright, as within Self-tuning, an author is a more valuable asset than with copyright and thus always has a chance of getting paid more from the very beginning.
  • Unlike any other environment, it is impossible under Authoright for any entities other than individual authors to claim authorship. This specific feature puts an author into the center of a culture-related marketplace.
  • As within Self-tuning, Authorighted work gets promoted by the entire competitive publishing community. Under copyright, however, the promotion of a work is restricted to the goodwill and real abilities of one publisher or another rights holder. Moreover, under Authoright, promotion of a work automatically means promotion of its author and depends entirely on his talent.
  • Similar to Self-tuning, Authoright allows an author to sell his work, either literally fixed in some media or in the form of sponsorship, as many times as possible. With copyright, he is actually condemned to a one-time or otherwise limited sale. Any entity may sponsor an author in any environment but this cannot be really used with copyright for two reasons: first, the commercial and other public usage of a work of art is extremely limited; second, the rights holder is usually in full control of the work and may not be interested in promoting a sponsor. This may be useful under Self-tuning but to a lesser degree because attribution is not required.