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Ilya Volynets, my dear son and the most intensive interlocutor in discussions of the ideas developed in this book. It was he who quickly and clearly grasped the essence of many issues. Ilya was actually that brave man who consistently denied copyright-related prejudices and helped me to tear piece by piece their flesh off my bones until I felt utterly free to think about the subject and apply my extensive knowledge of cultural studies to issues relevant to “Intellectual Property.”

Sasha Volynets, my lovely daughter, the very first and brilliant literary editor of this book. She contributed greatly in refining and fine-tuning my work in terms of content, wording, and style.

Miriam Rainsford (iriXx), my very first and so far the very best reader, a dream reader for any writer. I did not have to convince her personally that these ideas are practical—my text was convincing enough for her. Miriam also provided some significant advice for this work.

Robert F. Bodi, a fierce opponent of mine and defender of the status quo. No co-thinker helped me as much as he did. Robert’s diverse argumentation clarified my understanding of the minute details of the real impact exclusive rights have on society.

Many subscribers from the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) discussion mailing list (“—” it is an archive—the list is no longer active) and the above-mentioned bumpNgrind mailing list. This book would never have come to existence without them: Seth Johnson, Jon O., Roy Garris, Jean-Michel Smith, James S. Huggins, Matthew T. Russotto, DeBug, Kevin Marks, Michael Weishaar, Jim Bauer, Pieter Hulshoff, Andrey V. Khavryuchenko, David Haworth, Miguel Dias, Jay Sulzberger, Dr. John Raymond Baker, Dan-redball, Steven C. Barr, Chuck McKay, and many others. Many thanks to you all.