Page:Culture.vs.Copyright 01.pdf/125

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On Licensing in Cultural Affairs
  • Automatically applies to derivatives of a work licensed under Art Libre License.
  • The license text itself is not copyrighted thus it can be freely used in new licenses in countries where copyright is not automatic.

Limitations embedded in the license are as follows:

  • The license legally based on copyright law only.
  • If the rights to a work are bought from the author, the Art Libre License becomes invalid (this is not openly stated in the license, however).
  • It relies only on French law.
  • It does not offer incentives to publishers and sponsors of work and, consequently, limits the author’s incentives.

EFF Open Audio License

Location: (The license text is no longer at this location as of 2013.)


“EFF’s Open Audio License provides a legal tool (. . .) providing freedom and openness to use music and other expressive works in new ways. It allows artists to grant the public permission to copy, distribute, adapt, and publicly perform their works royalty-free as long as credit is given to the creator as the Original Author (. . .)

The aim of this license is to use copyright tools to achieve copyright’s stated objectives of spreading knowledge and culture while preserving incentives for the author (. . .)

Original Author irrevocably and perpetually grants to the public authorization to freely access, copy, distribute, modify, create derivative works from, and publicly perform the work released under this license in any medium or format, provided that Original Author attribution be included with any copies distributed or public