Page:Culture.vs.Copyright 01.pdf/134

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Culture vs. Copyright




“The quintessential law of the nature of culture is Ultimate Freedom (...)
Essentially, a work of art is a message to everyone. This is its very nature and driving force (...)
Culture is the only reality where humanity develops (...)
Authoright License should be based on and enforced within the existing law. Any suitable law or contract may be used singularly or in conjunction with another, in order to support Authoright license (...)
Authoright covers the use of any and all cultural phenomena.
Any cultural phenomenon may be freely used by any entity for any known or currently unknown purpose, creative, commercial or non-commercial, without limitations, permissions, control of any kind from any individual, organization, government or international agency, and so forth (...)
Any and all public use of a cultural phenomenon requires attribution, when applicable, to all of the following:

  • Author(s)
  • Source and its sponsors
  • Original source and its sponsors (...)”


The following are advantages of the license:

  • Ultimate freedom of use of a cultural phenomenon—creative, public, commercial, etc.—is allowed.
  • Attribution to an author, or authors, if used publicly or commercially is mandatory.