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Authoright License

This Addendum contains the complete draft text of the Authoright License, including a Glossary, Theory, Technical Principals, and the License itself.


The Authoright license has been developed in order to ideally correspond to the nature of culture. This goal is stated in the license itself. Still, there are issues to resolve. The license in its current form may not be that usable in legal terms and, therefore, needs further development.

Another more serious issue is the main objective of the license, the provision of ultimate freedom for the use of cultural phenomena. There is a fork in the road of interpretation for one license feature. What if an authorighted work is included in a compilation or within another work? One interpretation is that this work must also be authorighted and thus be free of restriction. However, liberty in this case is imposed on the work’s author regardless of his wishes, i.e. his own freedom is limited. Such a license will cause some authors to hide the usage of authorighted works. This happens with GNU licensed products included in proprietary software. Another interpretation of freedom accentuates the liberty of the compilation’s author and allows him to use an authorighted work while “protecting” his own work under a more restrictive license. If permitted, he would not have any reason to hide usage of the authorighted work and would make necessary attributions, thus promoting it and its author.