Page:Culture.vs.Copyright 01.pdf/138

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Culture vs. Copyright



The intention of Authoright is to provide a legal framework for ideal development and utilization of culture.

General Idea

The world of culture differs from the physical one. It functions under different laws, depends on different circumstances and driving forces, and develops different powers. Ancient Romans said Natura parendo vincitur, which literally means “Nature obeying one wins.” In other words, we get the best fruit from nature if we act in accordance with its laws. Likewise, we can get the best fruit from culture if we act in accordance with its laws and do not project upon it laws that govern civilization. The quintessential natural law of culture is Ultimate Freedom.

A Few Clarifications


It has taken thousands of years to achieve the commonly accepted understanding that human beings should not be privately possessed. A cultural phenomenon, by its nature, is much closer to a human being than a physical thing. For example, the hero of a book is a person for many people to a greater degree than physically alive ones are. Therefore, laws that govern culture have to be based on laws that govern the direct relations between people rather than ones that govern real estate.