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First Graders on the Magic Planet 3

Delta: I know, I know! I used my imagination! I got it—the publishers will line up in front of the artist’s house to get the next work first and have an advantage on the market!
Beta: And?
Delta: And they will pay to access it before it gets out of the house! They will fight and try to kill each other to get it today because it will be for everybody tomorrow!
Teacher: Well, not quite. Remember, it only becomes as popular as it is brilliant.
Delta: Yes, yes, I got it. The more talented it is, the more fierce the competition!
Alpha: Oh yeah, exactly! I wouldn’t stay in this line. No publisher would! What are the conditions for business here? No, thank you!
Gamma: Nobody would do publishing?
Alpha: Nobody!
Beta: Great! Does anybody know where to buy a ticket to fly there?
Alpha: Are you that stupid? What are you going to do there?
Delta: I know—he is going to be the very first and the only publisher there! Right, Beta?
Beta: You bet.
Delta: He will become a multibillionaire in one month and hire all of us!Hey, Beta, do I deserve a good salary?
Beta: You bet. Everybody does, even Alpha.
Delta: What for?
Gamma: What for? I’ll tell you. Who was igniting all of the talk? It’s worth paying for!
Delta: Igniting? Do you mean like a car?
Beta: Yeah, like a fire.
Alpha: You’re all crazy. I’m not going.
Kappa: All right, get serious.
Alpha: Yeah, I’m still wondering whether the artist really gets paid.
Gamma: Wasn’t it convincing—that long line of publishers under the artist’s window?
Delta: It actually was. . . . They will line up, 100 percent . . . after they learn that Beta bought a ticket and is going to cut them off!
Alpha: Hey, we wanted to be serious, didn’t we?
Beta: We are, Alpha. And we haven’t finished yet.