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Culture vs. Copyright
A Diary of a Naive Philosopher

Chapter 1. First Graders on the Magic Planet
Chapter 2. Inquiry on the Nature of Art
Chapter 3. Arts and Personality
Chapter 4. Culture beyond Arts
Chapter 5. Discrepancies between Two Worlds
Chapter 6. Three Models
Chapter 7. On Licensing in Cultural Affairs
Addendum. Authoright License

Authoright 2013: Text, original: Anatoly Volynets,
Authoright 2013: Cover, original: Olga Gessen,
Authoright 2013: Illustration, original: Sasha Willins,

Permission hereby is granted to anyone to copy, reprint, redistribute, or use otherwise this book, create derivative works from or build upon this book for any purpose, as long as a proper attribution to the author(s), the publisher and the sponsor is given in the form of this Authoright notice or other form in strict correspondence with Authoright License, including its text location:

Preliminary edition by Sasha Willins,
Final edition by Susan Harcajo,
Layout by Oleksandr Kryvets,
Sources: Electronic files by respective authors
Publisher and sponsor of all the works:

Total Knowledge
1259 Oak Creek Way, Sunnyvale, CA 94089,


Publisher’s Cataloging-in-Publication
(Provided by Quality Books, Inc.)

Volynets, Anatoly.

Culture vs. copyright : a diary of a naive

philosopher / Anatoly Volynets.

pages cm
LCCN: 2013946696
ISBN-13: 978-0-9889557-0-7
ISBN-10: 0988955709
1. Culture--Philosophy. 2. Intellectual property--

Philosophy. 3. Copyright--Philosophy. I. Title.
II. Title: Culture versus copyright.

HM621.V65 2014         306'.01


Printed and bound in the United States of America
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