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Culture vs. Copyright

Gamma: That the idea should be unique? That’s a given, isn’t it?
Alpha: How will we know that our ideas are unique?
Kappa: What do you mean?
Alpha: Someone might have had the same idea earlier.
Kappa: What difference does that make?
Delta: If you come up with something new for yourself, it does not make you less creative if some other guy did the same before you.
Beta: Definitely. . . . You see something new and you know it is new.
Kappa: See?!
Alpha: If you see something, then everyone can see it.
Kappa: How about a photograph?
Alpha: No, that’s different. . . . I told you many times, you have to be quick.
Beta: Or else? It disappears?
Alpha: Not necessarily . . . but other people won’t see it the way you do.
Delta: You said if you see it, everyone can . . .
Kappa: No one will! . . . Until you point it out! That is how it works, for one. For two, I think we were talking about some kind of inner seeing . . . like we were discussing earlier. You guess, you try, say don’t like it, and you do it again until you like it. It’s like you’re seeing something in your mind and trying to match it . . .
Teacher: What is it? . . . Assuming the subject is here . . . and the subject can be seen by every passerby. Remember that flower Alpha suggested? But you, creator, have to see something invisible to others, right? . . . What is it?
Beta: It is “how!” I said it in my summary! It is how you want it.
Gamma: And what is this “how” anyway?
Kappa: Can we hypothesize that it is how you organize your subject? . . .
Delta: OK, let’s take that flower. What do I have to do? Organize surrounding things in my mind?
Alpha: You do nothing around that flower! You shoot! Quickly! This is it! You don’t have time for long discussions, calculations, plans, checks, whatever! You just shoot! End of story.
Beta: Listen, Alpha. Why are you skipping over everything we discussed and repeating the same thing like a parrot over and over again?
Kappa: Beta!