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Culture vs. Copyright

Delta: All right. Let’s look at it from another angle. Are all of your loved ones perfect people?
Kappa: It is not a matter of perfection at all. You don’t choose friends on these grounds. I mean, whoever you choose to make friends with is perfect for you, this is it. . . . Although I don’t know what that means, really . . .
Beta: It is the same for books, music, movies.
Alpha: Meals, houses, cars, tools, parks, lakes, mountains, forests, barber shops, shopping malls.
Teacher: That is an impressive list.
Delta: But those things are different.
Alpha: What do you mean?
Delta: Remember, I said this before. It’s just that the idea slipped my mind. If you are hungry and cannot get your favorite meal, you will eat anything else. Now, if you need a ride and your favorite car is not available, you drive another one. If your favorite park is closed, you can go to another one. But if your friend is sick, even unconscious, you will not go visit someone else. You go visit your friend. If you cannot find your favorite book when you want it, you will not sit and read whatever is just hanging about. If you want to watch a certain movie, and it is not possible for some reason, you will hardly agree to watch another one. You will wait until you can watch the one you wanted. Say, if you like comedies, you will not watch a thriller under any circumstances. I said, it’s different. It is obviously different. You would understand if . . .
Kappa: Hey, hey, let’s not go there.
Delta: All right, let us not.

The Recipe Case

Kappa: We all got carried away and distracted from the initial question. The important thing is that when you share your meal, a part of it is gone. You can even leave hungry. However, if you share the recipe for that meal, you lose nothing. . . . Actually, yes, the recipe becomes more known, and thus, it becomes more valuable. You are gaining something.