Page:Culture.vs.Copyright 01.pdf/98

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Culture vs. Copyright

I have to juxtapose different ideas in order to see how they relate to each other and how they relate to reality. This juxtaposition requires a thought or actually is a thought.
Kappa: Wow, that resonates! It is a pity we cannot continue along these lines.
Delta: Yeah, we have gone astray.
Kappa: I don’t know why, but an entirely new discrepancy just occurred to me!
All: (Look puzzled)
Kappa: Look . . . but it is a truly strange one, . . . I am not quite sure.
Gamma: Well?
Kappa: All right. Say you got a car, right?
Alpha: Right!
Kappa: All right. . . . The car works if all of its parts work, and all of them are connected properly . . .
Alpha: That’s new!
Kappa: Now take one part out and the whole thing does not work anymore!
Teacher: Interesting. . . . Assuming that’s true.
Kappa: All right, let’s take another example. . . . Sorry, I am trying to get a hold of my idea . . .
Delta: Go ahead, catch it!
Kappa: Thanks. . . . Let’s take a meal.
Alpha: I’m ready.
Kappa: You can have a small portion, and it is still edible. And the more you have, the more satisfied you are, right? Until you are full.
Beta: Well?
Kappa: Now if you read a fragment of a story or listen to a fragment of music, it may tell you a lot about the entire work. A fragment can be as meaningful as the entire piece.
Alpha: But you would like to read the entire story!
Delta: That is right, and the more you read, the more you want to reach the end!
Alpha: The same with meals! What’s the difference?
Beta: It is not the same. You read a book to the end, no matter how big the book is. It depends on the book, not on you . . . but normally you eat as much as you need, no matter how much is left.