(illegible text)man poets and historians, as Virgil, Horace, Catullus, Ovid, Juvinal, Sallust, Plato, Tullus, Cicero, Tacitus, Pliny, Justin, Diogoros, Quintus, Curtius, Pythagorus, Atticus, Herodotus, Tasso, Ausanius, Theodosius, Terence, Erasmus, Seaton, Cæsar’s commentary, and my own countrymen, the Spanish poet and historian, Lucius, and Floras; or the golden pen that most famous Roman poet and historian, Livy; are (illegible text) classical authors; and these upon religious subjects, the Holy Bible, the Life of our Saviour, and (illegible text) Boston’s Four-fold State and Body of Divinity, (illegible text)yer's Golden Chain in Four Links, Doctor Clark, (illegible text)ol, Lightfoot, Henry’s Commentary, Doctor Dod(illegible text)ge, Rowe, Watson’s Body of Divinity, Watts, Milton, Prior, Hume, Lyttleton, -Spectator, Hervey, Goldsmith, Locke, Swift, Smollet, Sherlock, Ferguson, Tillotson, Steel, Lord Bollingbroke, Addison, Arbuthnot, Congreve, Grotius, Marcellimus, and many more I could mention, and if I had all these able authors’ golden pens, I could write as good a story as any of them. But my unlearned pen cannot please the nobility; and the limits of this little book will not admit a compleat history, so I must make it Dultum in PARVO.
So I shall begin at RIDDINGS, the residence and property of E. Greenhow; is situated on a rising mound, on the banks of the river Greta, and near it is some fir trees, and a pleasant garden; and a little off we will find the village of Threlkeld, and it does contain 20 houses; they are situated at the foot of Saddleback. So to the left of it is the pleasant fields and meadows, for cultivation, and a glittering stream, (illegible text)inning by the gardens and low side of them, is the road and green valleys of St. John’s, and near it lives a most famous physician, named C. Williamson. Then (illegible text) the road to Keswick, and near the skirts of town, on a green field, I did view a most curious and (illegible text) monument of antiquity, with some fir trees and the stones, being 30 in number, called by the country people Lang Meg and her daughters. We