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how gallantly you rode, while broad ſwords blood and thunder were at your heels. This was an indication of your wiſdom; and they who deny it know little of the horrors of that martial day.
'He who fights till he is ſlain,
'Will never riſe and fight again;
'But he who fights and runs away,
'May live to fight another day.'
Even ſo it was the caſe with you my glorious patron, under the moſt auſpicious command of his royal highneſs, the invincible Duke of Cumberland. You rallied again, hewed down rebellious woods, and led off droves of diſloyal cattle captive by the force of your victorious arm! Pardon the expreſſion! Your very fingures, like the philoſopher's ſtone converted all that they touched into the moſt noble metal
Theſe and a thouſand other accompliſhments, are tributes juſtly due to my patrons ſplendid character, and I challenge all the world to accuſe me of flattery. You are infinitly far above the reach of flummery, and your retentive faculties are not to be tickled out of a penny; which ſufficiently points forth my diſintereſted views in this Dedecation.
But to return great Sir. It was not the laurals that you gleaned in the bowls of your country that could ſatisfy your great ſoul: the inſatiable thriſt you had for glory, induced you to inliſt afreſh in the cauſe of honour, and in the counſel chamber here, you voluntarily became a recruit of the noble Hector, whoſe parts on this occaſion, ſhewed him a conſumate ſtateſman, as well as a valiant champion.
By this means you as a Hero, again engaged to traverſe the fields of Mars; But when you heard of