Page:Cyber Threats to Elections Lexicon 2018 CTIIC.pdf/25

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Remote Access (noun) or Remote-Access (modifier)
The ability to gain access to targeted systems or networks from a distance, such as over the Internet.

Router Operation
A method for compromising midpoint network infrastructure—such as routers—rather than specific computers or networks, to illicitly observe, redirect, tamper with, impede, or in some other way adversely affect network communications.

A machine that provides services (for instance a web server, e-mail server, proxy server, file server, or print server) to other machines. In general, all machines on the Internet fall into two categories: clients and servers. Where the available intelligence permits, specify the type of server involved (e.g., an e-mail server).

An exploitable flaw that can undermine a system’s security. (This term is often used to describe the overall strategic perception of susceptibility to a given threat actor. It should only be used to describe a cyber-system issue.)

Zero Day (noun) or Zero-Day (modifier)
A cyber capability that relies on a vulnerability in the design or implementation of a system and can be used to violate its security. Neither the system designers, cyber security community, or general public are aware of the vulnerability.