Page:Cyclopaedia, Chambers - Volume 1.djvu/266

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phyfis ; the other an additional Bone-, growing to another by mere Contiguity, being generally more (oft and porous than the orher, and call'd an Epiphyfis, or Appendage. It the Protuberance be round, it is call'd the Caput, under which is the Cervix ; if flat, Condylus ; if fharp, Corone.

The general Ufes of the Bones, are to fupport and ftreng- then the Body, like Beams and Pillars in Building ; to defend fome of the more eflential Parts, as the Brain, Z?c. to give Shape to the Body, and to aflift in Motion.

BONONIAN STONE, a fmall, gray, weighty, fofi, fulphurous Stone, about the bignefs of a large Walnut ; when broken, having a kind of cryftal or fparry 'Talc with- in : found in the Neighbourhood of Bologne, or Bononia in Italy, (whence it takes its Name) and in other Parts of that Country, particularly ar the Foot of Mount 'Palermo j where a Shoemaker, one Vincenzo Cafciarlo, having ga- ther 'd fome Pieces and carry 'd 'em home, in hopes by the Fire to draw Silver out of 'em ; inftead of what he expec- ted, found that admirable Phenomenon they exhibit, which confifts in this, that having been expos 'd to the Light, they retain it, and fhine, for the fpace of fix or eight Hours, in the Dark. M. Hcmberg was rhe Pcrfon who firft taught us the manner of preparing and calcining theBoftmian Sitae, hav- ing made a Journey to Italy on purpofe to learn it. When prepar'd, 'tis a kind of Pbofphorus, under the Appea- rance of a calcin'd Stone. 'Tis faid, the Art of prepa- ring and calcining the Bononian Stone is loft ; there having been but one, an Ecxlefiaftick, who had the true Secret, and who is fince dead, without communicating it to any Perfon; fee Philofiph. TranfaB. N° 11. M. Elpigni obferves, that one Zagouius had a Method of ma- king Statues and Pictures of the Bononian Stone, which would mine varioufly in the Dark ; but he adds, The Per- fon dy'd without difcovering his Secret, Philof. Tranf. N° 134. See Phosphorus.

BONNET, in Fortification, a Work raifed beyond the Counter/carp, having two Faces, which form a faliant An- gle, and as it were a fmall Ravelin without any Trench : Its Height is about three Foot, and it is environ'd round with a double Row of Pallifadoes, ten or rwelve Paces diftant from each orher ; hath a Parapet three Foot high, and is like a little advanced Corps du Guard.

Bonnet a Prcflre, or Prieft's-Cap, is an Outwork, having at the Head three faliant Angles, and two inwards : It differs from the Double T'enaille only in this, that its Sides, inftead of being parallel, are made like a Swallow's Tail ; that is, narrowing, or drawing clofe at the Gorge, and opening at the Head.

BONNETS, in the Sea-Language, fmall Sails, fet on upon the Courfes, on the Main-fail and Fore-fail of a Ship, when too narrow or (hallow to clothe the Maft ; or to make more way in calm Weather. The Words are, Lace on the Bonnet ; that is, fallen it to the Courfe : Shake off the Bonnet ; that is, take it off the Courfe.

BOOKBINDING, the Art of binding, or covering Books. No doubt, the Art of Binding is almoft as antient as the Science of Compofing Books ; and that both the one and the other follow'd immediately the firft Invention of Letters; fee Letter. Whatever the Matter were whereon Men firft wrote, there was a Neceffity for uniting the feveral Parts together ; as well for the making one Piece, as for the better preferving 'em : Hence the Origin of Binding ; for which, in all appearance, we are indebt- ed to the Egyptians, that learned People, among whom the Arts and Sciences began to flourifh. fo early.

The Manner of binding Books in Volumes, i. e. of few- ing the Leaves together, to roll 'em on round Pieces or Cylinders of Wood, appears the moft Antient ; tho that of binding 'em fquare, and of fewing feveral Quires over one another lays claim to good Antiquity. The firft of the two, which we may call Egyptian binding, held a long time after the Age of Augufltls ; but 'tis now difus'd, ex- cepting in the Jeivijh Synagogues, where they continue to write the Books of the Law on Velloms few'd together ; making, as it were, only one long Page, with two Rollers, and their Clalps of Gold or Silver at each Extremity. The Form now in ule, is thefpiare Binding ; which is faid to have been invented by one of the Attali, Kings of Perga- mus ; to whom we likewife owe the manner of preparing 'Parchment; call'd in Latin, from the Name of his Capitol, Pergamena, or Cbarta Pergamea : See Parch- ment.

Manner of binding Books. The firft Operation is to fold the Sheets according to the Form, via. into two for Folio's four for Quarto's, eight for Octavo's, &c. which they do' with a flip of Ivory or Box, call'd a Folding-flick : In this the Workman is directed by the Catch- Words and Signa- tures at the Bottom of the Pages; fee Printing. The Leaves thus folded, and laid over each other in the Order of the Signatures, are beaten on a Stone with a Hammer, to prefs and flatten 'em, fo as they may take lefs Room in

the Binding 1 They are then few'd in the Se-iving-Preft, with a long Needle a little crook'd. What they call Jew- ing, is the fixing to the Back certain Cords, call'd Band at a ptoper Diftance from each other, and in a convenient Number ; which is done by drawing a Thread thro the Middle of each Sheet, and giving it a turn round each Band, beginning with the firft and proceeding to the lall : They ordinarily put fix Bands in a Folio, and five in the reft. To cut the Edges of the Book, 'tis faflen'd in a Cat- ting-Prefs, between two Boards, fomewhat longer than the Book, and the Knife gradually conducted over the Extre- mities of rhe Leaves, by means of a Skrcw to which it is failen'd : Of the two Cutting-Boards, that behind is higher than the other, and ferves to iuftain the Edges of the Book ; that before, which is lower, ferving to direct the Knife, which Hides underneath. See Press.

The Edges finifti'd, the Book is put into Boards ; that is, the Paftboards are fitted to it, whereon the Leather, the Book is to be cover'd withal, is afterwards apply 'd. The Paftboard is firft well heaten on the Stone with a Hammer, and is fitted on by means of the Bands ; the Ends where- of are pafs'd thro three Holes, punch'd on the Edge of the Paftboard againft each Band : The Paftboards are then cut even with the Edges of the Book, by means of a long fharp Inftrument with a wooden Handle, which the Work- man applies to his Shoulder, and conduits the other End with his Hand, by the Edge of a Ruler laid on the Paft- board. After this, in the French Binding, a Book is put in Parchment, i.e. a flip of Parchment, the Length of the Book, is apply'don the Infideofeach Paftboard ; fo, how- ever, as that being cut or indented in the Places againft the Bands, it comes out between the Edge of the Paftboard and the Leaves of the Book to cover the Back : This Pre- paration, call'd Indorfing, feems peculiar to the French Binders ; who are enjoin'd by Ordonnance to back their Books with Parchment, on the Penalty of 30 Livres, and the Re-binding of the Book : 'Tis done in the Prefs, where the Back being grated with an Iron Inftrument with Teeth, to make the Paft take hold, wherewith the Parchment is firft faften'd ; they afterwards add ftrong Glue to fortify it.

The Headband is now added ; which is an Ornament of Silk of feveral Colours, or even, fometimes, of Gold or Silver, plac'd at each Extreme of the Back, acrofs the Leaves ; and wove, or twifted, fometimes about a Angle, and fometimes a double piece of roll'd Paper. This, befides its being an Ornament, alfo ferves to fix the Sheets at Top and Bottom. In this State there remains nothing but to Bevil the inner Edges of the Paftboards ; take off the four Angles, to facilitate the opening of the Book ; and to blacken, gild, or marble the Edges : in order to fit the Book for covering. See Marbling, £?c.

Manner of Gilding Books on the Edges. The Book is put between two Boards, and very ftiffly fqueez'd in the Prefs ; in which State, the Edge is fcrap'd with a little crooked Iron Inftrument, which, being moderately fharp, takes off any unevennefs left in rhe Cutting. On the Edge thus fcrap'd is laid a Ground for the Gold. This Ground is a Compofition of the Armenian Bole, red Chalk, black Lead, and a little Tallow beaten together, and fteep'd in hot Size, made of Parchment, much the fame with that ufed in Gilding in Water; fee Gilding. The Ground being well dried, is glazed lightly with the Whites of Eggs bsa- ten ; and over this the Gold is apply'd. The Gold here us'd, is in the Leaf, as prepar'd by the Gold-beaters. The Inftrument wherewith they take it up, confifts of two Bran- ches of Iron, moveable on a Rivet in the Middle ; fome- what like an X, or a Pair of Sciffars without Rings. When the Workman has laid the Leaf Gold in fit order, he rubs the Ends of the Branches againft his Cheek, which gives 'em the degree of Warmth necefl'ary to make the Gold ftick thereto : The Gold thus taken up, is apply'd on the Edge of t'tieBook, and fpread fmooth with a Hair Brum : And the Edge thus cover'd with Gold, is dry'd by the Fire, without taking it out of the Prefs, and afterwards burnifh'd ; fee Burnishing. On the Gold thus apply'd, they antientlv made Ornaments, with hot Irons of various Forms and Devifes ; the Practice of which feem'd to have been re- triev'd in France about the beginning of the XVIIIth Cen- tury, and carry 'd to a good Perfeftion by the Abbot de Se- mi, and others ; and call'd by a new-invented Name, An- tiquing : But as the Modern Tafte feems rather inclin'd to Simphcity, 'tis probable thefe Antiquo-MoAem Orna- ments will be dropp'd again.

For the Covers ; tho the Skins us'd herein, undergo fe- veral Preparations in the Hands of other Workmen ; yet there are fome ftill left for the Binder, and peculiar to his Ait : Thefe we fhall explain, in Calf, as being the Lea- ther moft us'd ; and, as being that to which all the reft, with a little Variation, may be referr'd. The Calfskin, then, being well foak'd in Water, is fcrap'd with a kind of blunt two- handed Knife, and cut into fquare pieces of the proper Sizes j with