Page:Cyclopaedia, Chambers - Volume 1.djvu/293

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Pafchal ; yet not fo accounted by the Gregorians. On the other hand, the Gregorians account the Full Moon of the 22d of March, the Pafchal ; which yet, falling before the Equinox, is not Pafchal. In the firft Cafe therefore, Eajler is celebrated in an Irregular Month ; in the latter, there are two Eafiers in the fame Ecclefiaftical Year. In like manner, the Cyclical Computation is founded on mean Full Moons 5 which yet may precede or follow the true ones by fome Hours. The Pafchal Full Moon may,'alfo, fall on Sa- turday, which is yet referr'd by the Cycle to Sunday : Whence, in the firft Cafe, Eajler is celebrated eight Days later than it mould be ; in the other it is celebrated on the very Day of the Full Moon, with the Jews and §>uarta- deciman Hereticks ; contrary to the Decree of the Council of Nice, Scaligcr, and Calvifius, fhew other Faults in the Gregorian Calendar ; arifing from the Negligence and In- advertency of the Authors. This Calendar is adher'd toby the Romanifls, throughout Europe, &c. and us'd wherever the Roman Breviary is us'd. The Proteftant States of Ger- many and Holland have likewife come into it. See Reform- ed Calendar.

Reformed, or CorreBed Calendar ; that which fetting afide all Apparatus of Golden Numbers, Epacts, and Do- minical Letters, determines the Equinox, with the Pafchal Full Moon, and the Moveable Feafts depending thereon, by Agronomical Computation, according to the Rudolphine Tables.

This Calendar was introdue'd among the Proteftant States of Germany, in the Year 1700 ; when ir Days were at once thrown out of the Month of February .- So that in 1700, February had but iS Days : By this means, the Cor- reBcd Stile agrees with the Gregorian. This Alteration in the Form of the Year they admitted for a Time ; in ex- pectation that the real Quantity of the Tropical Year be- ing at length more accurately determin'd by Obfervation, the Romanijis wou'd agree with 'em, on fome more conveni- ent Intercalation.

ConJiruBion of a Calendar, or Almanack.

t. Compute the Sun's and Moon's place for each Day of the Year; or take 'em from Ephemerides. See Sun, and Moon.

2. Find the Dominical Letter, and by means thereof, diftri- bute the Calendar into Weeks. See Dominical Letter.

3. Compute the Time of Eafier, and thence fix the other Moveable Feafts. See Easter. 4. Add the Immoveable Feafts, with the Names of the Martyrs. 5. To every Day add the Sun's and Moon's Place, with the Riling and Set- ting of each Luminary ; the Length of Day and Night ; the Crcpufcula, and the Afpects of the Planets. 6. Add, in the proper Places, the chief Phafes of the Moon. See Phases. The Sun's Entrance into the Cardinal Points 5 i. e. the Solftices and Equinoxes : together with theRifing and the Setting, efpecially Heliacal, of the Planets and chief Fix'd Stars. Means for each whereof, will be found under the proper Heads in this Dictionary.

The Duration of the Crepufcula, or the End of the Even- ing, or Beginning of the Morning Twilight ; together with the Sun's Rifing and Setting, and the Length of Days, may be transferr'd from the Calendars of one Year, into thofe of another : the Differences in the feveral Years being too fmall to be of any Confideration in Civil Life.

Hence it appears, that the Conftruction of a Calendar has nothing in it of Myftery or Difficulty ; if Tables of the heavenly Motions be but at hand.

The Gclalean Calendar, is a Correction of the Per- ft an Calendar, made by Order of Sultan Gelaleddan, in the 467th Year of the Hegyra ; of Chrift 1089.

The Name Calendar is here given, from the Word Cd- lendtf, wrote anciently in large Characters at the Head of each Month.

Calendar, is alfo us'd for the Catalogue, or Fajli, antiently kept in each Church, of the Saints ; both uni- verfal, and thofe particularly honour'd in each Church ; with their Bifhops, Martyrs, &c.

There are ftill fome of thefe Calendars extant ; particu- larly a very antient one of the Church of Rome, made about the middle of the IVth Century : comprehending al- fo the Feftivals both of the Heathens and Chriftians, which were then very few in number. V.Mabillon has alfo printed the Calendar of the Church of Carthage ; made about the Year 485. The Calendar of the Church of Ethiopia , and that of the Copbttf, publifh'd by Ludolphus, feem to have been made after the Year 760. The Calendar of the Sy- rians, printed by Gencbrard, is very imperfect: That of the Mufcovites, publifh'd by F. 'Papebroeh, in moft refpects agrees with that of the Greeks, publifh'd by Gcnebrard. The Calendar publifh'd by Do???. d'Acherry, under the Title of The Solar Tear, is no more than the Calendar of the Church of Arras. The Calendar publifh'd in 1687, at Ausbtirg, by Seckius, is apparently that of the antient Church of A/tsburg, or rather Strasbourg, wrote towards the Clofe of the 10th Century. The Mofarabiqtie Calen- dar, ftill u's'd in the five Churches of Toledo , thcAmbro/ian i

of Milan 5 and thofe of England, before the Reformation 5 have nothing in 'em but what is found in thofe of the othef Weflem Churches ; viz. the Saints honour'd throughout, and thofe peculiar to the Church where they are us'd.

Thefe antient Calendars are not to be confounded with the antient Martyrologies : For each Church had its pecu- liar Calendar ; whereas the Martyrologies regarded the whole Church in general : containing the Martyrs and Con- feffors of all the Churches. From all the feveral Calendars was form'd one Martyrology ; fo that Martyrologies are po- fterior to Calendars. See Martyrology.

CALENDS, CALENDS, in the Roman Chronology, the firft Day of each Month. See Month. The Calends were reckon'd backwards, or in a retrograde Order: Thus, i). g. the firft of May being the Calends of May, the lati, or 30th of April, was the Bridie Calendarum, or fecond of the Calends of May ; the 29th of April, the third of the Calends, or before the Calends : and fo back to the 13th, where the Ides commence 5 which are, likewife, nutnber'd invertcdly to the fifth, where the Nones begin ; which are number'd after the fame manner to the firft Day of the Month, which is the Calends of April. See Nones, and Ides. The Rules of Computation by Calends, are inclu- ded in the following Verfes.

'Prima Dies Menfis cujitfque eft- diBa Calendar : Sex Majus Nonas, OBober, Julius, & Mars ; §>uatnor at reliqui : Dabit Idus qu'ilibet OBo. hide Dies reliquos omnes die effc Calendas ; M>uas retro numerans dices a Menfe fequente.

To find the Day of the Calends we are in, fee how many Days there are yet remaining of the Month, and to that Number add two : For Example ; fuppofe it the 2zd of April ; 'tis then the 10th of the Calends of May. For April contains 30 Days 5 and 22 taken from 30, there re- mains 8 j to which two being added, the Sum is 10.

The Word comes from rhe Latin Calare, to call, proclaim 5 becaufeon theDayof thcCa/e?ids, or firftof the Month, the Pontiff, with a loud Voice, proclaim'd the Day whereon the Nones were to be ; whether on the fifth or fevemh Day of the Month; Or rather, becaufe originally the inferior Pontiff had it in charge to watch when the New Moon mould firft ap- pear, in order to declare it to the People ; which they call'd Calare, apparently from the Greek x&tea, voco. The Ca- lends, according to Varro, were dedicated to Juno. On the CaAends of March, the Romans us'd to take their Lea- fes, ££c. in regard the Year, as fix'd by Romulus, com- mene'd on that Day. The Calends of March was a fatal Day to Debtors, becaufe then their Leafes expir'd ; which occafion'd Horace to call them T'riftes.

The Roman Writers themfelves are at a lofs for the Reafon of this abfurd and whirafical manner of computing the Days of the Month : yet is it ftill kept up in the Ro- man Chancery ; and by fome Authors, out of a vain Af- fectation of Learning, pieferr'd to the common, more na- tural, and eafy manner. See Year, Day, Nones, Ides.

CALENTURE, is an inflammatory Fever, frequent at Sea, attended with a Delirium; wherein the Patients ima- gine the Sea to be green Fields; and, if not prevented, will leap over-board : which way they are frequently loft.

CALIDUCTS, a kind of Pipes, or Canals, difpos'd along the Walls of Houfes and Apartments ; us'd by the Anti- ents for the Conveyance of Heat to feveral remote Parts of the Houfe, from one common Furnace. See Stove, Fire, &c.

CALIDUM Innatum, or Innate Heat ; a Term the Anti- ents had many vague Notions about : but Geometrical Rea- foning has taught us to affix a more diftinct Idea hereto : For 'tis hence we know, that this innate Heat is no more than the Attrition of the Parts of the Blood ; occafion'd by its circulatory Motion, efpecially in the Arteries; where- in, being propell'd from a circular Bafe, towards the Apex of an hollow Cone, with a Force begun in the Heart, it meets with a double Rcfiftance ; viz. againft the Sides of the Arteries, and againft the preceding Blood. For where- as the Blood contains in it Parts that are fitted to excite Heat, whenever they can get at liberty ; that is, if the Parts inclofing them can be got afunder : and whereas the Parts inclofing fuch Corpufcles cannot be got afunder, un- lefs by fome Nifus of the Parts of Blood with one another, whereby the Attrition and Abrafion of the cohering Par- ticles is produe'd ; it follows, that the Heat will be fo much the greater, by how much fuch a Nifus, and Attrition of the Parts among one another is increas'd. And with the fame Refiftances, (that is, the Sections of the Arteries, and the Quantity of Blood remaining the fame) and an increas'd Force of the Heart, and circular Motion of the Blood, the Nifus and Attrition of the Parts of Blood a- mongft one another, muft neceffarily be increas'd ; both by the preceding Blood being {truck harder upon, by the Pro- trufion of a lucceeding Blood, coming on with an increas'd Velocity ; and the occafioning thereby alfo more frequent
