Page:Cyclopaedia, Chambers - Volume 1.djvu/346

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Nauda fays, it was the Emperor himfelf who fat and ren- der'd Juflice within the Lattice 5 the Chancellor attending at the Door thereof, whence he took his Title.

Others fay, he had it from this, that all Letters, Ad- drefles, Petitions, e?c. to the King, being firft examin'd by him, were cancelled where amifs : Others, becaufe all Pa- rents, Commiffions, and Warrants coming from tJ?t King, were examin'd and cancell'd by him. Others, becaufe he cancell'd and annull'd the Sentences of other Courts.

%)u Cange, from Joannes de Janua, fetches rhe Original of Chancellor from Talefliue, where the Houfes being flat, and made in form of a Terrace, with Parapets or Pallifa- does call'd Cancelli ; thofe who mounted thefe Houfes to rehearfe any Harangue, were call'd Cancellarii : whence the Name pafs'd to" thofe who pleaded at the Bar, whom he calls Cancelli fcrenfes, and at length to the Judge who prefided ; and laftly to the King's Secretaries.

This Officer is now in great Authority in all Countries : the Pcrfon who bears it with us, is the

Lord High Chancellor of England, the firft Perfon of the Realm, next after the King and Princes of the Elood, in all Civil Affairs. He is the chief Adminiftrator of Juf- tice next the Sovereign ; being the Judge of the Court of Chancery. See Chancery.

All other Juftices are ty'd to the ftrict Law, but the Chancellor has the King's abfolute Power to moderate the Rigour of the Written Law, to govern his Judgment by the Law of Nature and Confcicncc, and to order all things fecundum tfquura g$ bonum. Accordingly, Staumford fays, the Chancellor has two Powers, the one Abfolute, the other ordinary ; meaning, that tho by his ordinary Power he mult obferve the fame Form of Procedure as other Judges, yet in his abfolute Power he is not limited by any .written Law, but by Confcience and Equity. See Equity.

The Offices of Lcrd Chancellor and Lord Keeper., are by the Statute 5 Eliz. made the fame thing; till that time they were different ; and frequently fubfifted at the fame Time in different Perfons : Sometimes the Lord Chancel- lor had a Vice-chancellor, who was Keeper of the Seal. See Keeper.

The Keeper was created for traditionem magni Sigilli, but the Lord Chancellor by Patent ; tho now that he has the Keeper's Office, he is created in like manner by giving him the Seal. The Chancellor is likewife Speaker of the Houfe of Lords. See Parliament.

Tho he be foie Judge of the Court of Chancery, yet in Matters of much difficulty he fometimes confults the other Judges ; fo that this Office may be difcharg'd by one who is no profefs'd Lawyer, as antiently it commonly was. He has twelve Affidants, or Coad ; utors, antiently call'd Cle- rici, as being in Holy Orders, now Majlers in Chancery, the firft whereof is the Mafler of the Rolls. See Master of the Rolls, Masters in Chancery, &c.

Chancellor of a Cathedral, is the Judge of the Bi- fhop's Court, held in the Cathedral of each Diocefs. See Bishop's Court, and Cathedral.

He was antiently call'd Eccle/tajlicus, and Efifcopi Ec- dicus, the Church-Lawyer. See Ecclesiasticus, Advo- cate, £S?c.

In the Monaflicon Ids Office is thus defcrib'd, viz. to hear the Leflons and Lectures read in the Church, either by himfelf or his Vicar ; to correct and fet right the Reader when he reads amifs ; to infpedt Schools, to hear Caufes, apply the Seal, write and difpatch the Letters of the Chap- ter, keep the Books, to take care there be frequent Preach- ings, both in the Church and out of it, and to affign the Office of Preaching to whom he lifts.

Chancellor of the Dutchy of Lancafter, is an Officer, the Head of that Court ; his Bufinefs is to judge and de- termine all between the King, and his Te- nants of the Dutchy Land ; and otherwife to direct all the King's Affairs relating to that Court. See Dutchy Court.

Chancellor of the Exchequer, is an Officer, fuppos'd by fome to have been creared for qualifying Extremities in the Exchequer. See Exchequer.

He fits in that Court and the Exchequer Chamber, and, with the reft of the Court, orders Things to the King's beft benefit. He is always in Commiffion with the Lord Treafurer for letting Lands accruing to the Crown by Difl'o- lution of Abbeys, and otherwife : He has Power, with others, to compound for Forfeitures on Penal Statutes, Bonds, and Recognizances enter'd into by the King.

He has a great Authority in managing the Royal Re- venue, and in Matters of Firft-Fruits. See Revenues.

The Court of Equity, in the Exchequer Chamber, is held before the Lord Treafurer, Chancellor, and Barons, as that of Common Law before the Barons only. See Ba- ron, Z$c.

Chancellor of an Univcrjity, is he who Seals the Di- plomas or Letters of Degrees, Provifion, tfc. given in the Univerfity. See University.

The. Chancellor of Oxford is their Chief Magiftrate,

elected by the Students themfelves : His Office is durante Vita, to govern the Univerfity, prefervc and defend its Rights and Ptivileges, convoke Atfemblies, and do Juflice among the Members under his Jurifdiclion.

Under the Chancellor is the Vice-Ctancelkr, who is chofen annually; being nominated by the Chancellor, and elected by the Univerfity in Convocation. His Bufinefs is to am- ply the Chancellor's Abfence.

At his Entrance upon his Office, he chufes four/ro Vice- Chancellors, out of the Heads of Colleges, to one of whom he deputes his Power in his abfence.

The Chancellor of Cambridge, is in moft refpefts the fame with that cX Oxford, only he does not hold his Office durante Vita, but may be elected every three Years.

He has under him a Commiffary, who holds a Court of Record of Civil Caufes, for all Perfons of the Univerfity under the Degree of Matters of Arts.

The Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge is chofen annually by the Senate, out of two Perfons nominated by the Heads of the feveral Colleges and Halls.

Chancellor of the Order of the Garter, and other Military Orders, is an Officer who feals the Commiffions, and Mandates of the Chapter and Affembly of the Knights, keeps the Regiiter of their Deliberations, and delivers Acfs thereof under the Seal of the Order. See Garter, ^c.

CHANCERY, the grand Court of Equity and Confci- ence, infiituted to moderate the Rigour of the other Courts, that are ty'd to the ftrict Letter of the Law. See Court, Law, and Equity.

The Judge of this Court is the Lord High Chancellor, whofe Function fee under Chancellor.

The Proceedings of this Court are either Ordinary, like other Courts, according to the Laws, Statutes, and Cuf- toms of the Nation, and vaLatm, by granting out Writs Re- medial and Mandatory, Writs of Grace, £jc. lee Writ, ££c. Or Extraordinary, according to Equity and Confcience, and in Englijb, by Bills, Anfwers, and Decrees, to exa- mine Frauds, Combinations, Trufts, fecret Ufes, &c. to foften the Severity of Common Law, and refcue Men from Oppreffion ; to relieve 'em againft Cheats, unfortu- nate Accidents, Breaches of Truft, iSc.

Out of the Courr of Chancery, are iffu'd Writs or Sum- mons's for Parliaments and Convocations, Edicts, Procla- mations, Charters, Protections, Parents, Safe Conducts, Writs of Moderata, Mifericcrdia, Sec. See Writ, Sum- mons, Convocation, Edict, Proclamaion, Char- ter, ££c.

Here are alfo feal'd and enroll'd Letters Patent, Trea- ties and Leagues, Deeds, Writs, Commiffions, £sfc. See Patent, Deed, ££t\

The Officers of this Court, befide the Lord Chancellor, who is fupreme Judge, pre, the Mi'jler of the Rolls, who, in the Chancellor's Abfence, hears Caufes and gives Orders; and twelve Majlers of Chancery, who are Affiftants, and fit by turns on the Bench ; fee Masters, ££c.

For the Englijb Part of this Court are Six Clerks, who have each under him about fift. en more, in the Nature of Attorney of the Court : Two chief Examiners, for exa- mining WitnefTes, who have each five or fix Clerks apiece: One principal Regifler, who has four or five Deputies : Clerk of tire Crown, who makes Writs, Commiffions, (£c. Warden of the Fleet : Serjeant at Arms, who bears the Mace before the Chancellor 5 and the UJber and Crier of the Court. See Six Clerks, Register, Warden, Ser- jeant, £S?c.

To the Latin Part belong the twenty four Cllrjltors, and their Clerks, who make out original Writs ; Clerks of the petty Sag ; Clerks of the Hamper; Controller oftheHana- per ; CJerk of Appeal ; Clerk of the Faculties ; Sealer Chafe Wax ; Clerk of the 'Patents, of Trefentations, 'Dif- mijjions, Licences to alienate, Enrollments, Trotetfiotts, SubpxnaS, Affidavits, &c. See each under its proper Arti- cle, Cursitor, Clerk, Cuhfji-Wax, Sic.

CHANDELIERS, in Fortification, are wooden Stakes fix Foot high, and fix or feven apart, between which are plac'd Fafcines, to cover the Workmen on Approaches. See Fascines.

Thefe are fometimes made to prevent the Enemy from feeing what pafles within.

The Difference between Chandeliers and Blinds confifts in this, that the former ferve to cover the Pioneers before, and the latter alfo cover them over Head. See Blinds.

CHANGE, in Commerce, g^c. See Exchange.

CHANGER, an Officer belonging to the Mint, who' changes Money for Gold or Silver Bullion. See Mint.

Money-CtiAHGEB., is a Banker, who deals in the Ex- change, Receipt, and Payment of Monies. See Bank.

CHANGES, in Arithmetic, \£c. the Permutations or Variations of any Number of Quantities ; with regard to' their Pofition, Order, S?c. See Combination.

1*0 find all the pofjible Changes of any Number of Quan- tities, or hois oft their Order may be vary'd.
