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This CharaBer fomctimes affefts feveral Quanti ties dif- tinguifh'd by a Line drawn over them, thus \/ b -\~ d, de- notes the Sum of the Square Roots of b and d.

Wolfius, &c. in lieu hereof, include the Roots compos'd of feveral Quantities in a Parenthefis, adding its Index : thus (a-\-b — c) * denotes the Square of a-\-b — c, ordina- rily written a -f- b ■ — c.

The CharaBer of Arithmetical Proportion disjunct 5

thus 7. 3 : 13.9. intimates 3 to be exceeded by 7, as much as 13 by 9 j was. by 4. See Progression.

: This is the CharaBer of Identity of Ratio, and Geo-

metrical Proportion disjunct 5 thus, 8 : 4 : : 30 : 15. expref- fes the Ratio of 30 to 15, to be the fame with that of 8 to 4 ; or that the four Terms are in Geometrical Propor- tion, viz. 8 to 4 as 30 to 15. See Proportion.

Wblfius, in lieu hereof, ufes the CharaBer of Equality = ; which he prefers to the former, as more fcientifical and exprefftve.

~r The CharaBer of Geometrical Proportion continu'd implying the Ratio to be carry'd on without Interruption; Thus, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, -H- are in the fame uninterrupted Pro- portion.

Characters in Geometry and "Trigonometry.

|1 Is the CharaBer of 'Parallelifm j implying two Lines or Planes to be equi-diftant from each other. See Pa- rallel.

A CharaBer of a Triangle. See Triangle, &c.

□ CharaBer of a Square.

□ P CharaBer of a ReBangle. G CharaBer of a Circle.

JL CharaBer of Equality of bugles.

^= CharaBer of Equality of Sides.

•^ CharaBer of an Angle.

L CharaBer of a right Angle.

X CharaBer of a Perpendicular.

The CharaBer of a Degree 5 thus, 75 implies 75 Degrees.

' The Character of a Minute* or 'Prime 3 thus, 50' im- plies 50 Minutes.

"'« w ' t f$c. TheCharaBersof Seconds, Thirds, Fourths, &c. of a Degree t thus, 5", tf"" f 18"", 20"'", denotes 5 Seconds, 6 Thirds, 18 Fourths, and 20 Fifths.

Note, The fame CharaBer s are fome times us'd, where the Progreffton is by Tens; as 'tis here by Sixties. See De- cimal, Sexagesimal, ££c.

Characters us'd in the Arithmetic of Infinites.

  • The CharaBer of an Infinitefimal, or Fluxion : thus,
  • , y, & c - exprefs the Fluxions, or Differentials of the va-

riable Quantities x and y ; two, three, or more Dots, de- note fecond, third, or higher Fluxions.

This Method of denoting the Fluxions, we owe to Sir Tfaac Newton, the Inventor of Fluxions : 'tis adher'd to by the Englifb j but Foreigners generally follow M. Leibnitz, and in lieu of a Dot prefix the Letter d to the variable Quan- tity j on pretence of avoiding the Confufion arifing from the multiplication of Dots, in the differencing of Differen- tials. See Fluxions.

d The CharaBer of a Differential of a variable Quantity ; thus, d x is the Differential of x j dy the Differential of y.

The CharaBer was firft introdue'd by M. Leibnitz 5 and is follow'd by all but the Englifb, who, after Sir Ifaac Newton, exprefs the Differential by a Dot over the Quanti- ty. See Calculus "Differentialis.

Characters us'd in AJlronomy. CbardBers of the Planets ; fee Planet. Ti CharaBer of Saturn. 5 CharaBer of Mercury,

if CharaBer of Jupiter. © CharaBer of the Sun.

tf CharaBer of Mars. b CharaBer of the Moon.

S CharaBer of Venus. J CharaBer of the Earth.

CharaBers of the Signs 5 fee Sign. T CharaBer of Aries. £= CharaBer of Libra.

« CharaBer of Taurus. "I CharaBer of Scorpio.

H CharaBer of Gemini. $ CharaBer of Sagittarius.

S CharaBer of Cancer. V? CharaBer of Capricornus.

Si CharaBer of Leo. zx CharaBer of Aquarius.

Tjf CharaBer of Virgo. X CharaBer of fPiJces.

Rejls or Taufes of Time.

Characters us'd in Mtljick. CharaBers of the Mufical Notes, -imth their Proportions.


CharaBer of a Z«?ge A long


Semibreve Minim



Semiquaver ' 'Demifemiquaver CharaBers of the artificial Notes.






J- £

J ^

CharaBer ofs.fba.rp Note : This CharaBer at the beginning of a Line, or Space,, denotes all the Notes in that Line, or Space, to be taken a Semitone higher than in the natural Series. And the fame affects all their Oc- taves, above and below, tho not mark'd. See Sharp.

When the CharaBer is prefix'd to any particular Note, it fhews that Note alone to be a Semitone higher than it would be without fuch CharaBer.


CharaBer of a fiat Note i This CharaBer, at the

beginning of a Line, or Space, Shews, that all the Notes in that Line, or Space, are to be taken a Semitone lower than in the natural Series ; affecting, in like manner, all the Octaves, both above and below. Sec Flat.

When prefix'd to any Note, it fhews that Note alone to bea Semitone lower than it wou'd otherwife be.


CharaBer of a natural Note. Where, in a Line or

Series of artificial Notes, mark'd at the Beginning for ei- ther Sharps or Flats, the natural Note happens to be re. qui r'd, it is denoted by this Char*-. Ber:

CharaBers of Sign'i. CharaBer of Treble Clef.



□ Mean Clef. (\ SafsClef.

CharaBers of Time. See Time. 2, or I, or J ; CharaBers of Common, or T)uple Time ; fignifying the Meafure of two Crotchets to be equal to two Notes, whereof four make a Semibreve.

C CC vD CharaBers that diftinguifh the Movements in Common Time : The firft implying flow 5 the fecond Irisk ; the third very quick.

ri t> j> h rt. i CharaBers of the Jimple Triple Time ; whofe Meaiure is equal either to three Semibreves, or to three Minims, &c. See Trifle.

-t) or I) or rs 5 CharaBers of mix'd Triple Time 5 where the meafure is equal to fix Crotchets, or fix Qua- vers, S3c.

■I, or |, or £j ; or 1, or i ; CharaBers of compound Tri- ple Time.

•H> or Hi or iih or *|, Species of Triple Time ; call'd, Times.

  • . * '« S ft

^ ■*• a

CharaBers of the fourth The Meafure of twelve



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