Page:Cyclopaedia, Chambers - Volume 1.djvu/403

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Patarrl, or Penny.


( HP )



e Stiver, equal to Shilling. *


zi I __ixdoIlar,Dollar,Patag. ______ I Imperial.


o :
o :
2 :

•• 4 =

II :

Note, the Rixdollar, Dollar, and Patagon, are nearly en the fame Foot "joith the Crown, or Viece of Eight.

German Coins.

Thofe of Gold are Ducats, which are of various Kinds ; Oboli of the Rhine, and Florins : of this laft Kind there are fome likewife of Silver ; befide Rixdollars and Izelottes, which are all of that Metal.

Thofe of Copper, are the Creux, or Kreuxer, and Fenin.

Fenin, equal to f of a Farthing Sterling.


Creux, or Kreuxer.






Obolus. 4






J r?7

Izelotte. ;



480 (S50





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if, if.

Gulden, or Florin. : _TnrJR.ixdol.or Dollar. : ^relifolDucat.

3 4 7

0" 6


'tan Coins.

In Italy, the Several States have feveral current Monies : tho there are fome common to them all ; fuch as the Piftole of Gold, and the Ducatoon and Florin of Silver ; which be- ing of various Weights, Firmnefs, and Value, fee under the Articles Pistole, Ducatoon, &c.

Thofe peculiar to Rome, are the Julios, of Silver, the Pignatelle of "Billon ; and the Bayoco, Demi-Bayocosj and Quadrine of Copper.— — Venice has its Sequins of Gold; its

Juffins, or Ducatoons, and Derlingues of Silver. Naples

its Carlins. Mcurgnes its Monacos, or Crowns, and its

Louis's of fix Sols. Genoa its Croifats Savoy and

Viemont, its Lys ; all Silver. This laft State has likewife Papiroles, and Cavales of Billon.

■?• d. Sterl.

e i 7 8$ make a r?T 5 FrencbCrawn, o (. Penny and _ . °r of i of a Penny, or nearfaFar.Sterl. 9

Julio, equal to — — .

Bayoco, |_. of the Julio = Pignatelle, —■ ot ~ 'he Julio =

Juftine = —

Derlingue, -J of the Juftine =

Monaco = 1 *

Sequin = ■— — Croifat =

Sivifs Coins, are Ratzes, and Blazes ; of Billon. Ratze, equal to $ and _ of a Penny Sterling. Blaze of Bern, nearly on the fame Footing with the Ratze.

'Polijh Coins. Befide the Rixdollars ftruck here, which are common to other CoruuHea ; the 'Poles ftrike Silver Roups, Abras. and

Groats - D s. d. SterL

Roup , p;4 r

Abra , . „.

Groch . J an< _.

sch^ifo^r, 3 " the Horre -' the u r L d u ' andthe

Horfe * f,_, .

MarcLubs ZZT \ [ g' $tetU

Schefdal, two Marcs, or Lubs 3 j

Swedijh Coins.

liJ h0f TK f r' S 7 T^' r l the 5 :hriftines - Carolines, and Cava-

Ind Molev ^ °° ti " ,he R ° Ufti 1 Ue ' AlleuTre ' Mark . r>\. •/!■ Si d. Sterl.

Chriftine . , , ,

Caroline ., ' I

Mark . . " '?

Rouftique J of the Mark ° ': o| and .off

  • «■ v rr" 1 ¥ mey > F ro P erl y f ° cal l^. is a Wnd of Cop.

PI^I y u tan , d malI <=able, found in little fquare Pieces, or

weVphlno fi° Ut i> the j hicknefs of 'hree Englijk Crowns, and

re,Si Ve o 0Un ^ aDd ahalf 5 flamp'dat the four Co"

liKdo ar v W ^ Arms ' and «« in *»*» for a R-ixdoliar, or Piece of Eight.

<>f T Sterl. but 9-

_ S Sterl. but t current for

Mitfcovite Coins. There are two Kinds of Copecs in Mufiovy, the one of Pence. The" ^^ ** ^ WlSegSjg „ Copec, or Kapeke of Gold, worth 1 current in the Czar's Territories for 1 Copec of Silver, or Denaing of an?

oval form, worth , i °

fomewhat more.

Poluft, 1 of the Copec 00"

Muftofike, i of the Copec . o : o\.

Turhjh Coins. _ The only Gold Species ftruck in the Grand Seienior's Ter- ritories, is the Sultanin, called alfo Scherif, or Sequin.

Ineir lmall Monies are the Para, Parafi, called alfo Pa- rat, and Meidein, and the Afpre both of Silver.

„,.„,„ s. d. Sterl.

bultanm Scherif, or Sequin, equal to the?

Ducat of Gold, or . * _■ 9 •' o

Para Parat, or Parafi oil

Shakee of Aleppo and Scandaroon — o • ,i

A- Af ft r -7— o:o|butor-

dinanly, by reafon of the bafe Alloy, no more than •.

Coins of the Coafts of Sarbary.

The current Coins ftruck here are Rubies, Medians, Zi-

ams and Metecals ; all of Gold : the laft of which are

ftruck at Morocco, the reft at Fez, Algiers, and Tunis ;

which befide have Doublas of Silver, and Burb-.s of Copper.

Tunis its Nafaras of Silver, its Blanquilles likewife of

Silver, and Felours of Coffer.

Other Coins of Africa, are the Merigal of Gold, current in Sofala, and the Kingdom of Monofotafa ; and the Pardo of Silver, current in Mofamiica. s. d. Sterl.

Rubie, equal to 3 5 Afpres, or — 1:9

Median, 50 Afpres, or j ; 7

Ziam, Zian, or Dian, z Medians, or 5 ; 2

Metecal, a Kind of Ducat of different Finenefs, confe- quently of different Value ; whence very confiderable Dif- ficulties in Commerce. The Difference arifes hence, that there is no Mint fix'd, or regular Coiners at Morocco, but evety Jeix and Goldfmith ftrikes Ducats after his own man- ner in open Shop. j. 4, s ter i. Double, equal to 80 Afpres, or — 1 4:6

Burba, f^. of an Afpre, or o : of?

Blanquille, . , .- 2 ^

Felours, f of the Blanquille, or — o ; o | and _ _ Merigal, worth about — — . 18 : o

Pardo, - 1 .. 3

"Per/tan Coins. Thofe are either Silver, ot Coffer; Gold they have none : Of the firft Kind are the Abaffi, Mamoudi, Chaye, and Bifti : of the fecond the Kabefqui, and Half Kabcfqui _ the Tela, or Cherrafis, indeed is Gold ; but 'tis lefs a Money than a Medal, tho it has fome courfe in Commerce.

s. d.

Abaffi, equal to . 1 : 4 ^ gterl.

Mamoudi, Chaye, l the Abaffi, ■ — — o ; 8 1

Chaye, t the Mamoudi, r- o : 4and ".

Bifti, fome Relations make a Coin worth about 1 Penny Halfpenny 5 but others only a Term of Accompts, Bonify- ing 10 Dimars, or f_„ part of a Toman. See Tomin. Cabequi, or Cabefque, equals §.- of a Penny Sterl. Tela, or Cherafis, ufually ftruck ar the Acceffion c* a new King, and at the Beginning of each new leaf = ,ts Weight and Worth various.

Chinefe Coins. Throughout the Kingdom of China and Tunquin, there are not properly any Coins ftruck ; inftead of thefe, they cut their Gold and Silver into little Pieces of different weights : Thofe of Gold, the Dutch, from their Figure . which refembles a Boat, call Golchuts : thofe of Silver, tho ' Katives call Learn ; the <Portugueze, Taels.

Their fmall Money is of Copper ; 10 of thefe make their Shilling, and 10 of thofe their Crown, or Leam.

Befide thefe, they have a fmall Money of Lead, mix'd with the Scum of Copper, having Holes in the middle to fl rin g em on for the eafe of numbering : this Species is called Caxa, Cas, andPitis; and the String, which ufually holds 200, is called Santa. They are fo very brittle, that they never fall without breaking into a great number of Pie- ces ; and if left all Night in Salt Water, flick fo clofe toge- ther that they can't be feparated. There are two Kinds, great and fmall. Golchut, an Ingot, which at 3 /. 3 s. per Ounce, ufually amounts to 101 /. ; j. Sterling.

Other Golchuts only weigh half as much ; their Value in proportion.

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