Page:Cyclopaedia, Chambers - Volume 1.djvu/529

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-Our Sate: are brought us from Egypt, SyKa, common Cuflom, into R d

Jfnct, and the -.Indies They never come to full retrenching the two ee\ DoZ ' T u T ' ertgth Maturity m J/«/j>, or the mod Southern Parts of Oninion <W the W„M ,„L 3j'i ihe c °mmoii

W And yet there are tolerable Dates j n y r °I oSonM ,t™ to ZL m, *f" 5°™ ?*#*»*,

g«C« s only they don't keep, but breed Worms Thofe To rZ u T Zte ^ /W - . But this appears

ftoin W< -«ed all others in Largeness ' C Tl ur rldSZ'sZt ol^t ZST^^ t"*^ *

an d Tafle. The Word is form'd of f&Se and that 5S hZ % 2 u I Uk " that && ,h =

adDiSy/as, Finger; as being round and "blot he ufed " g n Wr.^ ^ T Very &nd ° f >

rcfeinbling a Finfcr's End. S M ° bl ° ng ' £ . "X A j ffla »^'«fi ^ to immortalize

DATfSI, in Logic, one of the Modes of Syllooifins Others are 1,f n ^ S . 1™°, aV" Countr >'-

See Mode and Syllogism. ojmoguaa. utners are of Opinion, that the laft Count A*»8>&

DATIVE, in Grammar, the third Cafe in theDe- Counts * r, ^"T inc ° r P or ,fted with that of the

c ,e„fion of Nouns ; expreffing the State or Relat" n gaughtef ^flf^'ft ^TfJ "* °^

'Tis call'd native, becaufe ufually govern'd by a bore the Store rff£ zS ? c f d , , 2 '^'». «*

Verb, implying fomething to be $ il„ % Z f„ m e kl Chfn s hfewifctf OdrlrT 'thaMt fS"r ^

fcn. As, Commodare Socrati, To lend to C»m«„ - f on of (7;™ .!,» % P '- h . was thc Gfand -

fci/a Jf^H,«, Ufeful to the Commonwealth' Daulbm ,hJ r, ? V t H b ° re the Name of

■Pemiciofin Ecclefi,, Pernicious to the Church tr°' IT lis fr^JtfS&g* <¥® , b "

mktere Jlmco To promife a Friend; r# 3 e > Pla- that of Guy %; and added to

, Us Relation is exprefs'd by theSigi, tl, or> , which Canon of S"' z2w a^W^ th " f^f'

arc ufually either cxprcfs'd, or underftood. wrote the Life of TL Grenoble, who has

DAVID1STS, or Davidioi, a Seet of Hereticks then Earl of sfrJZ? ' ■ j*"^ ° f Ste ~

the Adherents of 3^V George a Glazier, or, as o&S & t?e £* X the' la^fimX* G T n,°?

who in I?2J . began to and tie former ' ah^ys CnT^^A^',


... a new Doftrinc. He publihVd" himfelFto be thTt no Title" n^M^ """^ ' n ">t h ">- And addsi the ^Meffiah, and that hf was «te«fi ^/s^^^?*'™' Heaven, which was mute : empty for Want of People ceffors/so that if muft neceffarilv lave tJj, V to defcrve it. He rejeacd Marriage, with the Ada- Rife in his Son =11 ,„Lc e % , . lts mm; denied the Refurreffion, wkh thoSaddtfcees- ftamlv affum'd it' £ * fe , Sucrf <"; h ^e fo con- held with Manet, that the Soul was not defiled of ^ the FarSv He di h ' mC the , I"T Kame r hy Sin; and laugh'd at the Self-Denial fb much re hL Youthfso £ ■ t'tuft be'Wout t S, ,f commended by Jelus Chnft. Such were his nrinciral that that- T;»l„ ^ j f ., ' , r II2 °>

changed h,s Name .burning that of John Sruck, lighted in nothing but War • Tnd ae?, n T af ,ll and d lc d in ijjtf. He left fomeDfcipJes behind him the Cuftom of tie Cavaliers to chime their rl | whom he promis'd that he would rife again at the Coats of Arms, and the Houfin c! thci ^ Hort'

fcet tSn^ thf MalSrat^fha ^CitV,^ ^«3^^f^

6j ssssvs ^ Aar^ifei £aSS2s« Sh5?

K, o the King of £„^ are call'd the $ inc. on thel„b>a f ^1, vG^t SoToltl fighters of England; becaufe all the Sub efts of the Old, married MaMlda, who hai been "uopofed

, ? m« in feveral ancient Charters. This Couole had a

Snn liirin in in A Q- nnfr.*J} I ^ I ■ *■ t T ,

See Del-

Son, who, in an Aft pafs'd between him and Hugh Bifliop of Grenoble, in n 4 o, is call'd tDelphinust Guigo Comes, qui vocatnr Delphmus. This *ha

fome Hiflorians to think

to difcover the here was no Ne-

DAUPHIN, Dolphin, in Aflronomy.


Dauphin, a Title given the eldefl Son of France,

and ptefumptive Heir of the Crown ; On Account of cafion'd

the Province of tDaufhine, which in 1343. was given Origin of the Name"izJa«*/«K"" Th

to Thilif de Vahis on this Condition, by Humbert, ceffity for having Recourie to' Voyages bevond ■

fmfkm of the :Vienn ? ,s M the <Dauph,n, in his Sea, where the Counts de GrelZEl mlht take

Ws Patents flyles himfelf, " By the Grace of God, the Dolphin for their Arms, i t^o rf % \tt

PJdeft Son of France, and Dauphm of Viennois. tion. In Efreft, that Conjefture does not ftand. on

Dabphin was anciently the Title of the Prince of any Proof; Nor is it true, that the firfl and fecond

Vmmms _ in France. Molt Authors, who have fought Race of thofe Princes bore the Dolphin for theit

CT of ? he Name 23f^«, K&Vaufbine, Arms; There being fcarce any Signs thereof before

femto have given too much loofe to their lmagi- Humbert I. who firft bore it on liis Shield 'Tis

»at.o„. Some w,U have it der.v d from the Auffinates, mote probable, that the Sirname Dauthw which

But Tr l 0V u men , tlOTed , b y % to l™y Md 3>«9-3 Guy firft affumed, pleas'd his Sueceffors fo much that

But rhofe Authors place the Avffinates on t'other they added it ,0 their own Name, and erecled i

  • irte L V^j//? the GalhaC t M tin a. Others into a Title, which has been retained ever fincc

2 */J h n t Mlo t r %\ b T$" cl C ,? ame from Nothin 8 is more com »™ " thofe Times than to

sufibl ?!, e £' that ^ngS»M Shield was difiin- find proper Names become the Names of FaSlieV

.Won V n K C g r °u \^^ S "\ whlch ]> e bM « or Dignities. Witnefs the Ademars, Anlall T jt

ttaeon Others, that the Princes who reign'd in the nards, Atlemans, Sereugcrs and infinite other who?!l

l>enno,s A a Sofon, pitch'd on thefe Arms as a Sym- owe their Names to fom ne of theirAnceflorT ft™^

ta l' hL "[ MiMn / S md H T anky -, 9^' thatit wh ° m!t has be »traZiSlLtToutThf^uY but who" S an , Em P« or > wh0 m ^ e War in iht/y, The Seigneurs or Lords of Auvfrgne have lSife

ProvTn K 110 l ' name ' t0 r a Gov « nour of this bore the Appellation of Dauphin ■ But the 2lSa

S wh ,° fent A m ^Powerful Supply with fuch of A U vergne\zt it not ti / a "'od wni 2*

»»fn fi"of a W /^ A° 7 b % C r par ' d , Wkb th 5 ?f the ^^°». a "d even received it from them The

to be t,,/I / f n K? f &nC1 ? S ? 6 W ° rd M ?T ,*•**• S^theVIIIthS^feofthe^s-

»«^« & S rw 3 ^ JIT 5 ' Sr ^-^r y ' T S \ h fb hi * ™~e Margaret, Daughter of J?*)**,

be S'd „'f ^ • 1 S e l 6VeS th ? ^ t0 J"' tf • 8 *»»«**. a Son and two Daughters. The

vince A p r "fT >° ancient Name of this Pro- Son was Guy the IXth, his Succcflir. Beatrix, one

what' Cm,;, , l Prm ™ e < ^f be, being aft d of the Daughters, was married to the Count d'Aa-

Ae Prince ofT" D W2S ' n^*?' A Viene and .m,, who, according to Slondel, was ^'*4W the

^ FienT T A r Provlnce f Jld bimfelf the Prince Vth, or rather, as Chorier and others hold, Robert

"me, and afterwards, changing the V, after the the Vlth, Father of William the Vth. This Prince

B* loft