Page:Cyclopaedia, Chambers - Volume 1.djvu/531

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not in the Prcfence of a Biihop or Prieft They r. ~ ■ only inftrufled the Catecumens, and prepared them ^T •- ^ '« ' ™ "*. the " neceCf «y. by Rea- fcr Baptifm. The Door, of the Church P W ere lik? It, T° aa'a^ ^ ^ bap , tizcd ' *S it iSS W ife in their Cuftody : Tho', in after Times W ™ w bl f. ^ded by Rea&n Baptifm is only confc ™db v Charge, was committed to the Sub-Deacons ' fP™ kl 'ng. The Number of Deaconeffes does not fem

Among the Maronites of Mount Libanon, 'are two Letted f • d Jhe Emperor fiwVj&i, in hi,

  1. ?«««, who are mere Adminiftrators of the Tern tCI, ■ to , Ser S ms , Pftnarch offionfimtmofle; orders

poralities. ft. ffl^zW, who calls them li OWrf i .!, m the SL eat Church °. f Constantinople there be UHaconi vem th(

rentes and treat with " the Turks as to whaV con- cerns the Taxes and other Affairs. In this, the Pa- triarch or the Maronites feems to have aim'd to imitate the Apoidcs, who difcharged all the tem- poral Concerns of the Church on the "Beacons ; 'Tis ,,ot well done, fay they, to leave the Word of God

^ vi> uwh^ me uraer or Miniftry c

JJeacon, orDeaconefs. See Deacon and Deaconvs: JJeaconry Diaconia, is alfo a Name ftill referved to the Chappels, and Oratories in Rome, under the

Rwionroi ; Qui * DeaC ° nS ' '*? ^ *&&>**

»•" — "-j — / """/> »v iftsaiis rpc word- ot Hod TV. 1-V, <7i ■ oee Jxegion.

and [erve at Tables. And, in Effect 'twas this eave ' ollc f 'fwwminna'j a Sort ofHofpitals, Occaf.on to their firft Ettablifhmen S ^ oards > *° r *<= Attribution of Alms, govern'd by the

DEACONESS, an Office in Ufe'in the Primitive Reg 7 aryD T' nS : Call ' dCardimID ^°™,ofwhom then Church laid afide. St. <PanlZ^Zt * tion thereof m his Epiftle to the Romans: And the younger Pliny, m , a Letter to Trajan, tells that Pnnce he had order d two Deaconeffes, whom he calls ^«gfc*, to be tortured. The Name Deaconed was affected to certain devout Women, who confe- cratcd themfelves to the Service of the Church, and rendred thole Offices to the Women, which Men could not decently do; as, in Baptifm, for Inftancc, which was confer d by lmmerfion, on Women as well as Men. I hey were likewife to look to the Doors on

the Side the Women were on, who were fcparated £ 'TT^ *"

from the Men, according to the Cuftom of thofe " cath , of our Enemy. The Word Feud, is derived Times. They had the Care and Infpection of the ?°™r the S*f an Feed ' which ' as ^Ottoman obferves, Poor, Sick, iSc. And in Times of Pcrfecution when S S "u ?' Mod ° ¥ ium ' modo «^<^>' inhmcitias. ' fent to the Women ' to ex i ' y ^e Rcven S e was a "°wed by our an

r J r '. ^aramai Jjeacons, ot whom tnere

were fever, anfwermg to the fcvenRegions fheirChief be- ng call d the Arch-Deacon. See Cardinal. TheHofpi- tal adjoyning to the Church of the Deaconry, had an Id- m.niflrator tor the temporal Concerns, call'd I the Father of the Deaconry, who was fometimes a Prieft, and fome- times a Lay-ma„, At prefent there are 14 of theft Dea- conries or HofpitaJs at Rome, which are affefted to the Cardinals. Du Came gives us their Names: As the Deaconry of St. Maria in the broad Way;

np^r v^r° f ?*■ E "fi ac6 "> ™' 'he Vanibeon, IL

JJEADL1 Fetid, in our Law-Books, a Profeffion

of irreconcilable Enmity till we are revenged by the -

Death n+ nut- Rtvmn nnL~ \\j — J *-.. i - , ] . ,

. ' j """'"'"" "i r-eriecution, w

a Deacon could not be fent to the Women to ex- hort and fortify them, a 2)eaco,iefs was fent. See $alfamon on the nth Canon of the Council of Lao- iic<ta; And the Slj-ojhlical Conftitutions, L II C 57 To fay nothing ot the Epiftle of Ignatius to tb<

Upnn !(■= <it- m<it im-ln . ...1-,.=..^ ...1 , r ^ • 1 r- ^».

cient Laws in the Time of the Saxons, viz. If any Man was kill'd, and a pecuniary Satisfkclion were not made to the Kindred, it was lawful for them to take up Arms, and revenge themfelves on the Mur- therer : which was call'd Deadly Feud. And this, pro-

people of Antioch; where, what isfaid* of Deacmeml t^T ' "^ n'" ,

is faid to have been interpolated conejjes, baD , yi was the Original of an Appeal. See ArrEAr,

In the Commentaries on the Councils of Chrilt- Lutets ^ EiI) f*-. See Mortgage.

it is laid that they were ordain'd bv the LS D^v-Reckoning, at Sea, is that Eftimation, Tudg-

of Hands: And the Council in Trulio ufes the Term S° M or Con J eaure . which the Sea-men make of the

SjlfoTitwr, to impofe Hands, to exprefs the Confe- U m- T a , Sh 'P 1S >, b Y keeping an Account of

jtation of Deaconejjes. Saronius, however denies £L 2? .j\ ,H by ^ now > n S th <: Courfe they

that Hands were kid on the DacoTeTes o Xr I A^, by * e ^°'?P als ' anf by Reffifying all,

there was any Ceremony of Confecra^ £ 'foundini. r' th u A ^ WanC ^ . f ° r ? nf \- L< ; e Wa V> ^ ^ 0?di "g

his Opinion on the l/th Canon of th ^ Council of ^hms Tr.m ; fo that this ^ e ^ 0B; V s is with?

N,ce, which places them in the Rank ot Lavetv A ™l ,fl'?\ ° f & 1 Su "' M ° 0n and Stars >

? , . , l .^ays'y.. and is to be re&ficd as often as any good Obfer-



her Stern,

This is

and fays exprefsly, they have had ho Impoiition of Hands And yet the Council of Cbalcedon decrees they Jhould not be ordain'd till 40 lears of Age ■ whereas till then they had not been ordained before fc; as is prefenbec! in the firft Epiftle ,0 T !m0 ~ .. thy C. V. v.s And as is feen in the Nomocauon away fo fwiltly HlZ f"?rt' Tr 2a/ >r«. the Nomocauon dotl/ of 'JPhotais, the Theodofian Lode, Tertullian deVe land. Virgin. &c. The fame Author, ad Uxorem L. I. C. 7. fpeaks of Women who had receiv'd Ordil ration in the Church, and who, on that Account, were deprived of the Liberty of Marrying. For the' SJeaconeffes were W ic!ows , and might not remarry. Nor were they capab le °f being admitted to that Or- der, if they had been marry 'd mo re than once. Tho' in After-times Virgins were alfo made Deaconeffes, at leaft if we may credit St.Efiphanius, Zonaras, Salfamon and

vation can be had. See Log, and L.aG-£iue~

T>ch.T>-Water, is the Eddy-Water jutl behind the Stern of a Ship ; ~-

and if a Ship hath a great Eddy they fay, fhe makes much Dead- {'o call'd, becaufe it doth not pafs as the Water running by her Sides

DEAFFORESTED, in our Law-Books, the being difcharged from being Forefl ; or freed and exempted from Foreft-Laws. See Forest.

Johannes Dei Gratia, &c. Archiepifcopis, Bpifco- pis, iSc. faatis nos omnino Deafforcftaffe Foreftam de Srewood de omnibus quie ad Foreftam fci? Foreftarios pertinent, g^uare minimis & firmiter pr<ecipimus, quod pr<ed!t~ta Forefia iS homines in ilia mauentes, (2 h^redes eorum, fint Deaffbreftati in perpetunm. ■■-^^y^i^ox.^f^uaum^^unares^aijamonwa DEAFNESS, the State of a Perfon who wants T"'l\ m - T % ^ omai ot Nice ranks Deaconeffes among the Senl'e of Hearing : Or a Difeafe of the Ear the Clergy. Tho' fome hold that their Ordination was which prevents its due Reception of Sounds See' ™t Sacramental, but a mere Ecclefiaftical Ceremony. Hearing and Ear.

However, it gave them a Preeminence above their Deaj-ness generally arifes either from an Obftruc- f k'j l w Reafon the Council of Zaodiaea tion, or a CompieffioB of the auditory Nerve • or

'Wbad the Ordaining of any more for the future. The from fome Collection of Matter in the Cavities of ™t Council of Orange, held in 441, likewife forbids the the inner Ear ; or from the auditory Paffage bem» ^roaming of Deaconeffes, and enjoyns fuch as had been ftopp'd up by fome harden'd Excrement ; or laftly" J£f- icdtorec eivetheBenediaion with the mere Layety. from fome Excrescence ; a fwelling of the Glands' •lis hard to fay when the Order of Deaconeffes or fome foreign Body introduced within it Thofe wpired ; by^ Rcalbn they did not all ceafe together, born Deaf are alfo dumb, as not being able to learn to r Car,on of the Council °f Zaodtaea, 'tis any Language; at leaft in the common Way. How- fuhr'ft ?™ S '° abr0 S ate them i but ' tis certain they ever, as the Eyes, in fome Meafure, ferve them for st*. r ™ diTCrS PiaCeS long afterw, ards. For the Ears, they mav underftand what is faid by obferving 21ft f ?" °* the firft Council of Orange, and the the Motion of the Lips, Tongue, (£c. of the Speaker; dinL° c n E t mna ' held in 515, forbid the Or- and even accuftom themfelves to move their own, Tim r l ^-' eacme H es i y et f here were fome at the as they fee other Pcopfe do ; and by this means his VITi t 1 Louncil in Trulio. Alton of Verceil in learn to fpeak. Thus it was that Dr. Pl'allis taught lifh'd u Le( t e r gives the Reafon of their being abo- two young Gentlemen, born deaf, to hear what was nifl '" Ff obferves that in the firft Ages the Mi- faid to them, and to return pertinent Anfwers. Digby eafv I a V, om<n was iweefl'ary, in Order to the more gives us another Inftance of the fame, within his own from p '!?§ uf o ,hct Women, and Recovering them Knowledge. And there was a S-wiJs Phyiician lately 'he m aga ji ' " nd dat tlle5 ' likewlie ferved for living at Amfterdam, one Job. Conrad Amman; whe ™°re decent Adminitiration of Baptifia to the effected the lame in feveraj Chjldi'cn born deaf, with
