Page:Cyclopaedia, Chambers - Volume 1.djvu/622

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This firft Duty of Tunnage, is 4 Pound to Shillings Sterl. Spanifi, Italian, Mufcadine, Malmfey, and other Greek

per Tun, on all French Wines brought by Bngltfb Veffels . Wines, imported by the Englift into the Port of London, pay

into the Port of London; and only 3 Pound, into the reft. 27 Pound, 7 Shilling, and 10 Pence Sterling; and brought

The fame Wine brought by foreign Veffels into the Port of by the fame into the other Ports, 23 Pound, 4. Shillings, and

London, pays 6 Pound ; and into the other Ports, 4 Pound 9 Pence. The fame Wines brought to London by Foreigners,

10 Shillings Sterl. French Vinegar made of Wine, pays 4 pay 33 Pound, 7 Shillings, 3 Fourths.

Pound 10 Shillings, brought by Engli/bYeShls; and 6 Pound, 'Portugal, Rheuifo, and Hungary Wines brought to Lon-

by foreigns. French Cyder, and Perry, and Vinegar made don by Englijb Veffels, pay 16 Pounds, 10 Shillings, and 3

of thofe Liquors, pay as in the prececding Article. Rhenip Pence; into the other Ports, 22 Pound, 7 Shillings, and 2 Pence:

Wine brought into any Port of England, pays 1 Pound The fame Wines imported to London by Foreigners, pay 32

Sterl. per Awlne, aMeafure amounting to the Sixth of a Tun, Pound, 9 Shilling, and 5 Pence; and into the other, 28 Pound,

fo that the Duty per Tun is about 7 Pound 10 Shillings, 6 Shilling, 3 Pence.

which is a Fourth more than that o£ French Wine. Spanijh, French Vinegars imported to London by the Englijh, pay

aid Portuguese Wines, Muscadines, Malmfeys, and other 27 Pound, 10 Shillings, 11 Pence; and into the other Ports,

Greek Wines, pay the fame as French Wines; and the like is to be underftood or Vinegars made thereof!

Additional Duty of the old Subjidy. This firft Aug- mentation of the old Tunnage, was made in 1660, and con- tinued like the Subfidy itfelf to 1808.

For this 'Duty, French Wines pay 3 Pound Sterl. per Tun.

26 Pound, 4 Shilling, 6 Pence : Imported by Foreigners i tu London, they pay 28 Pound, 17 Shillings, 3' Pence 5 and in the other Ports, 27 Pound, 10 Shillings, 11 Pence.

Spanijh and "-'Portugal Vinegars, imported to London by Englijh Veflels, pay 12 Pound, 10 Shillings, n Pence; in the other Ports, 1 1 Pound, 4 Shillings, 6 Pence : The fame Vine-

Rhenijfc Wmes pay as French Wines. Spanijh Wines pay 4 gars imported to London by foreign Veffels, pay 13 Pound

Pound ; 'Portugal Wines, 3 Pound; MuJ'cadiues, Malmjeys, and other Greek Wines, pay the fame as Spanip Wines. Vinegar, Cyder, and Perry, are exempt from this Duty. See Subsidy.

Duty of Ex c if e, is not laid on Wines, but only on Malt- Liquors, iSc. See Excise.

Duty oj Coinage was impofed in the 1 8th Year of King Charles II. to duray the Expence of Coining of the Money. It has been continued by divers Aels to the Year 1715, and even mice that Time.

17 Shillings, 3 Pence ; and in the other Ports, 12 Pound, ro Shillings, 1 Penny. As to Cyders, and Perries, the Importa- tion is not considerable.

French Brandies imported by any Veffel into any Port, pay 78 Pound, 4 Shillings Sterl. per Tun ; and Brandies from any other Countries, except France, only 48 Pound, 4 Shillings: All other foreign Brandies being exempted from Duties of 30 Pound Sterling, charged on French Brandies by Acts of Parliament, under the Reign of King William III.

The Englip Merchants, it is to be observed, are not oblig'd

Wines of all Kinds pay equally 10 Shilling Sterl. per Tun to pay thefe feveral Duties before 12 Months ; nor Foreigners

on thhDuty. See Coinage. before 9 : giving Security for the fame. Or, if they pay ready

Duty of old Jmpojition of -Tunnage was eftablifh'd in the Money, there is a Deduction made 'em of 5 per Cent, on the

Tear 1685, and continued by divers Acts; that of 1711 oldNewThird, and two Third Subfidy, and on the other

made it perpetual. "Duties 6, and one Fourth /er Cent. Add, that if thefe Mer-

By this Duty, French Wines pay 8 Pound Sterl. per Tun chandizes be again exported into other Countries, after they

in all the Ports of England ; Spamjh, 'Portugal, Mujcadiue, have been entcr'd in England, the Duties are return'd ; tho'

and other Greek Wines, 12 Pound : Vinegars 8 Pound. this only within the Compafs of a Year to Natives, and of

Duty of Additional Impojitidn was eitabli/h'd in itfpo, 9 Months to Foreigners, continued by divers Acts to 1720, and in 1712 made per- la Spain, the Duties of Export, and Import, are call'd,

pctual. This Duty none but the Frencft pay, the other Na- Duties of Alcavala, and amount to about 5 per Cent, of the

lions being exempt from it. Value of the Goods : For Inftance, the Piece of Velvet of

Each Tun of French Wine pays for this Duty 8 Pound 40 Spanijh Varres, or Yards, pays 20 Reals : Hats ofVigone,

Sterl. in any Port of England : Vinegar, Cyder, and Perry 5 Reals a Piece : Linnens, 224 Keahper 100 Varres : 'Gold

pay 25 per Cent, ot their Value. and Silver Laces, 2 Reals 3 Quarters, the Mark Weight. The

Orphans-Duty is only charg'd on Wines brought Jnto the Duties of Exportation arc nearly on the fame footing.

Port of London. Its Name exprefles the pious Office it intended for.

It had its Rife in the <Jth Year of King William III. It is fix'd at 4 Shillings per Tun on all Wines indifferently. See Orphans.

Additional Duty on French Wines, is one of the Duties to which French Wines alone arc fubject. It was eftabliih'd in the Year 1695, * or -° Years, and fince continued.

It is rated at 25 Pound Sterl, per Tun : And Vinegars at 1 5 Pound.

New Subfidy was granted to King William III. in 1^95, for his Lif , and fince continued to Queen Anne for her Lite.

This is properly a Duplicate of the Duty of Tunnage, to which J-rench, and other Wines are equally (ubject, whether

In Portugal, the Duties of Importation were anciently the fame on all Kinds of Goods ; viz. 18 per Cent, of the Value. But fince the Year 1667, Silks have been excepted out of the general Tarif, and reduced to 13 per Cent. For Expor- tation the Duties are only 6 per Cent.

In Holland, the Duties of Exportation, and Importation, are nearly alike ; both of 'em being about the Rate of 5 per Cent, of the Value of the Goods. At Hambourg, and 'Bre- men, the Duties are but 1 per Cent. At Lubeck, three 4ths per Cent. Jn.Mufcovy, 5 per Cent. At Venice, 6 and three 4-ths per Cent, for what the Natives import; and 10 and a half to Strangers : The Duties of Exportation are 9 per Cent. At Leghorn, the Duties of Exportation, and Im- - portation are very inconfiderablc ; but with the Addition of brought in \ Englip, or foreign Veflels 5 tho' there are fbme a Number of petty Dues, become as great as at Venice.

Differences, as to Vinegars, Cyders, and Perry.

Duty on Hungary Wines, is very late, only eftablifh'd in the firit Year ot Queen Anne. It is the fame with that pay'd by Rhenip Wines.

Duty, call 'd Third Subfidy, is aThird of the old Subfidy, firft eftabliih'd in 1703, and iince continued by divers Acts, to expire in 1805.

Duty, call'd Two Third Subfidy, is likewife a newDuty, fit ft eftablifh'd in 1704, to law only for a certain Time, tho' fince made perpetual.

It confifts in two orher Thirds of the old Subfidy, fo that thefe two Duties of 1703, and 1704, are equal to the whole Subfidy.

B^fides thefe Duties impofed on all Wines imported.

In the Ports of the Levant, Constantinople, Smirna, Alep- po, ike. the Duties of Exportation, and Importation are nearly on an equal footing, viz. 3 per Cent, except to the Venetians, and Jews, who pay 5 per Cent.

The Cbnibfs Duties are likewife to be added for Smir- na, Sec. which are about 2 per Cent. At Cairo, Alexan- dria, and fome other Cities ot Egypt, the Duties are of two Kinds : One for Goods brought in Ships from Europe ; the other, for thofe brought by the Caravans from AJia. The firft are fix'd at 20 per Cent. The fecond are arbi- trary, but always very high. Beiide the ordinary Duty, they here pay the Golden Ditty, which is the tenth Part of what is paid for the firft Duty. As to Duties of Exporta- tion, they may be faid to pay none, the 1 and a half per

both by Natives, and Foreigners; there are likewife the Duty Cent, being rather the Cuitom-houfeFee, than any 2*0*9 of

of'Butlerage, another Ditty call'd Foreign, another of Sri- the Soveraign.

fol, and another of Southampton, amounting together to DUUMVIR, a general Name among the ancient Romans,

about '40 Shillings per Tun ; but as thefe Duties are-only for feveral Magiftrates, Com mi {Turners, and Officers, where

.levied on Wines imported in foreign Veffels, 'tis but rare- two were joyn'd together in the fame Function. So that

ly they are paid ; moll ot the Wine-Trade being manag'd they had almoft as many Duumvirs, as they had Officers

by Englijh Veffels. joyn'd two by two in Commiflion.

From this State of the Duties paid by Wines and other There were Duumvirs to di reft the Building, Repairing,

Liquors brought into England, it appears that French Wines and Confecrating of Temples, and Altars; Capital Duum-

imported by Englimmen into the Port of England, pay 55 virs, who took Cognizance of Crimes, and condemn'd to

Pound, idShill. 8 Pence Sterl. /<?r Tun. Thofe imported by Death. $kmm*nrs of the Marine, or Navy, & c . But the

the fame into the other Ports, 51 Pound, r 5 Shillings, and moil confiderable Duumvirs, and thofe ufually thus call'd

6 Pence : Tho : e brought by Foreigners into the Port of by Way of Eminence, were the

London, 61 Pound, 15 Shillings, and ro Pence ; and into the " Duumviri Sacrorum, which were created by Tarquin,

other Ports, 57 Pound, 12 Shilling, and 8 Pence. f or the Performance of Sacrifice, and Keeping of the Sybils
