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EME [ 299 ] EME

no Appearance of any Thing on the right Side for a Liver. We read in Authors of feveral Bm»raU< nf S™*»iaa.

Mem. delJcad Magnitude: Roderigo de Toledo. X T&it S^rS

Embryo, is alfo ufed by Natural*, to exprefs the Sarazns took" that- Town, King S W wlf^ „

Grain, or Seed of a Plant ; or rather the Germ, or firil of the Plunder, a Table ;«,- Fool {Z a „ alt J V

Sprout appearing out of the Seed : By Reafon the whole which he maintains to be an Emerald Aft J ,£? S

future P ant is fuppofed to be contain _d therein. Tuft as Reader will not wonder at that feen by Th-oihrTl',, in

the whole Chick, is fuppofed contained in the Cicatricula, a Temple in Egypt, four Cubits long, and \l*.,"{mJ

or Treddle of an Egg. See Seed, Grain, Plant, nor even at an Obelisk of Emerald 40 Foot h^h '

Plumule, Radicle, SSc. The Word is form'd from the French EPmerau'ie „„„•

EMBRYOTHLASTES, from tpfymr, Ferns, and W», that from the Latin Smaragdm, which fisnifies the'w

contundo, 1 bruife or break ; an Inilrument to crufh the Thing. Others derive it from the Italian Smraldo or

Bones of an Embryo, or dead Child j fo as to make it eafier the Arabic Zomorrad.

of Extraction, and prepare it for the Embryukus, to draw In the DiEtionnaire de Commerce, we have a very cu

it out of the Womb. See Delivery. nous and accurate Eftimate of the Values of the different

EMBRYOTOMY, in Chirurgery, the Operation of cut- Kinds of 'Peruvian Emeralds ; which the Reader will

ting off the Funiculus Umbilicalis, or Navel String, of a not be difpleafed to find tranfenbed hither. Child iuft born ; and tying it up. See Umbilicus. t, ,

The Word is form'd of the Greek, t&tm, and n^i, Thofe of .. . , £ "J * iME "™ , „ , m , „

j c ,ir • * ■ j- ' d coarfeft, Sort, called Plafmes,

EMBRYULKIA, or EMBRYOLKIA, in Chirurgery, 8 bunt"* The Zte j&SffrtW t M *S ° r

the Operation of extrafling the Child out'of the MotU Good MoriUons, ^^'o^'link pieSf bufoffine

What the G TO 4; call JSWi^fc,, the Z«M call ^iT'liriHoll hn&vlfl l^T, j r 7"*"' 'c ^

Gf/«n*ra Mm. See Calsareus. are valued ,t from ,-,}; ( r ^ird Colour, or Sort,

This latter Name, M. &is obferves, has taken Place, I Viof tie fecZd'sfn which C ^T" ^Tf*'

£L£3£ over the formeri as bdns ffiore eafy oi ' ^&¥&^s^& I %i l ?&

The Word is form'd of the Greek, «gy« Child, and C'L^are tr^fit ^ozl* to"" Ca ' 1>d «AK«f, to draw. 5

EMENDALS, an old Term flill ufed in the Accounts Emeralds ready cut, or poliped, and not cut, being of of the inner Temple: Where, fo much in Emendals at &°°d Stone, and a fine Colour, are worth,

the Foot of an Account, fignifies fo much in the Bank, Lib. Sh.

or Stock of the Houfe, for Reparation of Loffes, and Thofe weighing One Caracl, or 4 Grainj o 10

other Occafions. Thofe ot Two Caracls ----.._ x -,

EMENDATIO Panis 5? Cerevifue, the Affizc of Bread Tnofe of Three Caracls -....■, 5

and Eeer ; or the Power of fuperviiing and correcting the Thofe of Four Caracts ----- - 5 10

Weights and Meafures belonging to them. See Assize. Thofe ot Five Caracls 4 10

EMERALD, a pretious Stone, very green and tranfpa- Jl '" 6 C ' ^ ix Caracls — ----- 7 10

rent; and as to Hardnefs, the next after the Ruby. See X, !. c of Sev en Caracts - - - - _ I?

Pretious Stone. Thofe of Eight Caracls - - - — ij o

'Pliny reckons up twelve Kinds of Emeralds ; and de- Thofe of Nine Caracts - - - - _ 2J Q

nominates each from the Provinces, or Kingdoms, where Thofe of Ten Caracls — - - - - 33 o

he fuppofed them to be found: as Scythian, Sailrian, cucBirn t,*,t,„ «,,„ .

Egyptian, Perfian, &c. T EMERALD, or EMERAUD, in Heraldry, is ufed in

"But the modern Naturalifts, and Jewellers, only know of t™ J en > or Green, in Blazoning the Arms of Dukes, two Kinds, vis. Oriental and Peruvian. And if we v<nv-a'r r 1 „ BLA T f ONING ' may credit Tavemier, in his,Treatife of Colour 'd Stones "™„ Z. Emersion and Emergent.

found in the Indies, inferted in the fecond Volume of his EMERGENT Tear, in Chronology, is the Epocha, or

Voyages, thefe two mould yet be reduced to one, viz. E>ate, whence we begin to account our Time. See Epocha. the 'Peruvian. Thus, our Emergent Tear is fometimes the Year of the

In Effect, he maintains that there is not, nor ever was, Creation : That of the Jews, is from the Deluge, or the

any Mine of Emeralds in the Eaft- Indies ; and that all ^""t'h &c ' The Emer g<"U Tear of the Greeks, was the

that are there found, were brought from Peru by the Way Eftablifliment, or at leaft the Reftoration of the Olympic

of the South Sea ; which was a Method of Commerce, Games by IphituS. The Romans accounted their Years carried on by the Peruvians before the Difcovery of from the Buildi ng of the City AB U. C. That is, AB

America by the Spaniards. But as the Point of fuch URBE CONDITA.

Commerce is not fufficiently proved, we mail keep to the EMERSION, in Phyficks, the riling of any Solid above

antient Divifion. the Surface of a Fluid fpecifically lighter than it felf, into

The Oriental Emerald is harder, more brilliant, and wbicb !t had been violently immerged or thruft. tranfparent than the Peruvian ; which has generally Clouds '^ 1S mc . °^ f . ne known Laws of Hydroftaticks, that a.

found in it, and fparkles lefs. Befide that, there are fuch "g 1 " 01. Solid being forced down into a heavier Fluid, im-

Quantities brought from Peru, by the Way of Carthagena, me< J»? tel y endeavours to emerge ; and that with a Force,

that they are much, funk in Value and Reputation. They °* T "^, C V t0 , the Ex,:efs of Wd 8 ht of a Quantity

talk likewife of Emeralds found in Cyprus, and even in "* ™ F1 " ld > abl ™ e that of an equal Bulk of the Solid.

our own Ifland j but they are very inconfiderable : if, indeed, . 1 .J iS i a Solld be ™mergcd in a Fluid of double its

there be any true ones at all. ipecihc Gravity ; it will emerge again, till half its Bulk,

Some Authors hold Emeralds to be taken out of Iron or *> od y> be above the Surface of the Fluid. See Fluid. Mines : And Pomet affures us, he had one to which the Emersion, in Aftronomy, is when the Sun, Moon, or

Iron Ore was ftill flicking. To which, all we have to ° f ' ier pla net begins to re-appear, after having been eclip-

fay, is, that it could not be a Peruvian, by Reafon there led > °!L bld b Y the Interpofition of the Moon, Earth, or

is no Iron Mine in the Country. oth " Bod y- See Eclipse.

The Emerald is fuppofed to grow more and more per- i he Difference ot Longitudes is found by obferving the

feft in the Mine like the Ruby ; and to arrive at its 5 mmeril °ns and Emerfions of the firft of Jupiter's Satel-

Greenncfs by How Degrees, as the Fruit comes to Maturity l,t "\ ° ee Satellites.

by Degrees. Tis a common Opinion, that the Emerald , .1 he Immerfions are obferved from the Time of Jupiter's grows in the Jafpcr ; and 'tis certain there are fome \ ng , ln Conjunaion with the Sun, to his Oppofition ;

Jafpers fo perfectly green, that many have taken them for ™! d ™ e E'»^fwns, from the Oppofition to the Conjunction.

Emeralds. See Jasper. x-a T" Intervals are ufu ally fix Months a-piecej and

But the proper Matrix, or Marcafite of this Stone is the d ™ de th f Te I ar between them.

Preme, which is held among the coarfer pretious Stones ; £f ^ cn 7"t"er is in Conjunflion with the Sun, and

being hard, tranfparent, half opake, and ufually intermix'd "™ en yaysbefore and afterwards ; there is nothing to be

with yellow, green, white, blue, &c. obferved : That Plana, with' his Satellites, being then loft

The Antients made Amulets of Emeralds againft all ln tho Light of the Sun. See Jupiter.

Kinds of Sorcery 5 and fuppofed them effeflual againft a . Emersion, is alfq ufed when a Star, before hid by the

thoufand different Difeafes. At prefent ; that we have Sun » ils Pffflg too near him, begins to re-appear, and to

more Experience, or lefs Credulity, they are valued for g ct out of his Rays. See Mercury.

their Beauty, not their Virtue ; tho' there are ftill fome ,. Sc "'P les ' m Minutes of Emersion, are an Arch of the

who fuppofe, that when reduced into an impalpable Pow- Moon's Orbit, as T Q_ (7al>. Apronom. Fig. 4*0 which the

der, and mix'd with Rofe Water they may be of fome Mo ° n '^ Centre paffes over, from the Time ihe begins to

Life in Medicine. Emerge out of the Shadow of the Earth to the End of the

Ecli P fc EMERY,