Page:Cyclopaedia, Chambers - Volume 1.djvu/751

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greateft Part of the Weft-Indies. In Italy it is two and a divers fubaltern ones, whereby Nutrition ami (-„>„,.,•„►•„-, |alf. In_ #»//««<*! one and a half In Spain, Portugal, are effected. nutrition and Generation

are comprehended thofe

France, &c. two per Cent.

FACTORY, a Place where a confiderable Number of Factors refide, to negotiate and officiate for their Matters or Principals, See Factor.

The Term is chiefly ufed in fpeaking of the Eaft-Indies and other Parts of Afia, whither the European Nations fend

Under the Animal Faculties, relating to Senfe and Motion.

The Vegetative Faculty then is divided into Nutritive and Generative ; and the Nutritive is again fubdivided in- to Natural and Vital.

To the firft, belong the Functions of the low : er Belly re- in™ *— .1. B ^- _ _r -l _ t^__ i .1 . ■" .

their Ships every Year, and keep Faflors to buy the Com- lating to the P re paraWo7rhe"Tood7tVthe" 'lanT/'the" mod.ties of the Country, and fell thofe brought from Actions of the Heart and Lungs, wherein Life is chiefly

Europe. ,■„„ >j

The greateft and nobleft FaBory in the World, is that of the Englijh at Smirna. It ufually confifts of 8o or too Per- fons, moil of them young Gentlemen of the beft Families, and frequently younger Sons of Peers. 'Tis a fort of Semi- nary of Merchants. As there is a Neceflity for ferving an Apprenticelhip of feven Years, to be entitled to trade to the Levant ; the Cuff om is for Perfons of Fortune, to bind their

ions concern'd.

Others fubdivide the Vegetative Faculty into AttraSive , Retentive, ConcoSive, and Expulfive.

The Animal Faculties, being thofe whereby an Animal perceives and moves, become divided into Sensitive and Loco-motive. See Animal, Vegetative, Vital, Na- tural, e?c See alfo Functions.

Faculty is alfo applied in the Schools, to the divers

younger Sons to feme Merchant, who, in Confideration of Parts or Members of'an Univerfity7diVided according to or 4°° Pound Sterling agrees, afte t Years the Arts or Sciences taught or profefs'd therein.

of their Apprenticeiliip are expired, to fend them to Smyr- na, where they have not only the Management of their Mafters Affairs, with very plentiful Allowances, but are likewife permitted to trade for themfelves; whereby they are enabled to live fplendidly the reft of their Apprentice- iliip, and at length come out the beft qualified for Bufi- nefs of any young Perfons in the World. See Company.

FACTUM, in Arithmetic!:, The Produft of two Quan- tities multiplied by each other. See Product and Factor. FACULjE, in Aftronomy, a Name given by Scheiner and others alter him, to certain Spots on the Sun's Disk, that appear brighter, and more lucid than the reft of his Body. See Sun.

The Faculte or bright Spots differ very considerably from the Macules or dark Spots, both in Light, Colour, Figure, Magnitude aud Duration. See Macule.

Hevelius affures us, that July the io ,b i<f 34. he obferv'd a taenia that took up a third Part of the Sun's Diameter. And from the Obfervations of the fame Hevelius, we learn, that the Macula; frequently change into Facul£ ; the Fa- culdS into Macula; rarely, if ever. Some Authors even con- tend that all the Macula; degenerate into Faculte, e'er they quite difappear.

Huygens however, declares he was never able to dif- cover any Faculte ; though the Macula: occurr'd to him ve- ry frequently. All the Foundation he could fee for the Notion of Faculte, was, that in the darkiftl Clouds which frequently furround the Macula;, one fometimes difcerns little Points or Sparks brighter than the reft.

However, Authors after Kircber and Scheiner, have ge- nerally reprefented the Sun's Body full of bright, fiery Spots, which they conceive to be a fort of Volcano's in the

There are four Faculties in moft Univerfities: That of the Arts, which includes the Humanities and Phiiofophy, and which is much the moft antient and extenfive : The fecond, is that of Theology : The third, Medicine : And the fourth, Jurisprudence. See each under its proper Arti- cle, Theology, g?c. See alfo University.

The Degrees in the feveral Faculties in our Univerfities are, thofe of Satchelor, Maftcr and -Dolor. See De- gree. See alfo Batchelor, Master and Doctor.

The Faculty is frequently ufed abfolutely, and by way of Eminence for that chiefly ftudied or taught in that Place. Thus, the Faculty of London and Montpelier is Medi- cine : That of Paris Theology : That of Orleans Law, &c. See College of Pkyficians, Sorbonne, £J?c.

Faculty, as it is reftrain'd from the original and ac- tive Signification to the particular Underftanding in Law, is ufed for a Privilege or fpecial Power granted to a Man by Favour, Indulgence, and Difpenfation, to do that which by Law he cannot ; As to eat Flefti upon Days pro- hibited ; to marry without Banes firft ask'd.

The Court of Faculties belongs to the Archbilhop of Canterbury, and his Officer is called Magifter ad Facilitates. His Power is to grant Difpenfations, as to marry, to eat Flefh on Days prohibited, the Son to fucceed his Father in his Benefice, one to have two or more Benefices incom- patible, £f?c.

The Office where fuch Difpenfations are taken out, is alfo call'd the Faculty-Office.

FJECAL Matter, a Term ufed by Phyficians, particularly theFrench, for the Fteces or great Excrements of a Man, i. c. thofe difcharged by Stool. See Excrement.

The Fiscal Matter is become famous for

Body of the Sun. But Huygens, and others of the lateft Operation thereon, by Motif, Homherg, related at length in

and beft Obfervers, finding that the beft Telefcopes dif- the Mem. dc t Academic R. An. 17 11. He had a Notion

cover nothing of the Matter agree to explode the Phamo- fuggefted to him, that the Fiecal Matter, by Diftillation

mena of FaciddS-. Their Caufe, thefe Authors attribute to yielded an Oil clear as Water, without any Smell and

the tremulous Agitation of the Vapours near our Earth ; which had the Property of fixing Mercury into fine Silver

the fame as fometimes fhews a little Unevennefs in the Upon this, to work he goes; and becaufe he would have'

Circumference of the Sun's Disk, when view'd through a as laudable and promifing a Matter as he could hired

Telefcope. Strictly then, the Macula; are not Eructations four robuft healthy young Fellows, whom he ftiut'up for

of Fire and Flame, but Refractions of the Sun's Rays in three Months, and agreed with them, that they iriould

the rarer Exhalations, which being condenfed in the Neigh- eat nothing but the finefl Bread, which he fupplied them

bourhood of that Shade, feem to exhibit a Light greater withall frefh every Day, and drink the beft Champain

than that of the Sun. See Spot, tie. Wine as long as they would. After a long Procefs, and

The Word is pure Latin, Faellla being a Diminutive numerous Effays on the Excrements they made he at

of Fax, Torch ; and fuppos'd to be here applied from their length got the clear, inodorous Oil ; but it had no Effect

appearing and diflipating by turns. at all on Mercury, which was the great Point aim'd at.

FACULTY, a Power, or Ability of performing an Ac- However, miffing of what he expected, he fell on fome-

tion. See Power. thing he never dreamt of, viz. a phosphorus. The Caput

The Term is much ufed by the antient Philofophers, and Mortmim of the Oil, he found to have afurprizing Proper- Bill retain'd in the Schools, to explain the Actions ofna- ty of taking Fire without any Motion, or the Application tural Bodies by. of any other Fire; infomuch, that it might deferve a Place

Thus, to account for the Act of Digeftion, they fuppos'd in the firft Rank of Phofphori known. a . t>'geftive Faculty in the Stomach : To account for Mo- The Quantity of a Pea taken out of theMatras, and laid

tion, they imagin'd a Motive Faculty in the Nerves, Sgc. on a Paper, or other combuftible Matter, begins 'to fmoak which is only a fubftituting of one Name of an unknown Aha;nomcnon for another.

_ Yet this Practice of attributing Effecfs to their refpec- tive Virtues or Faculties, ftill obtains in divers Things, which our Phiiofophy has not yet afforded us a better Account of. Thus, fay our Medicinal Writers, Senna and Rhubarb have a Purgative Faculty ; Barberries an Jf- 'rntgent Faculty, Sic. which amounts juft to this, that Senna Purges, and Barberries bind.

1 he Faculties or Powers of the Soul, are commonly jcputed two, viz. of Underftanding and Witling. See


immediately, and fets the Paper on Fire. rus Ardens.

See Pi

See alfo Understanding and Willing.

FjECES, or Foeces, or Feces, the Dregs, Sediment, or Impurities remaining of a mist Body, after the purer, more volatile and fluid have been feparated therefrom by Evaporation, Diffolution, Decantation, Derivation, or the like.

Thus we fay the Faces of Oil, &c. Thofe of Wines are properly call'd Lees. See Lees. Thofe of Malt-liquors, Grounds. See Grounds.

Feces is particularly ufed inMcdicine, ci^c. Fcr the grefs, impure Matters found at the Bottom of the Compofitior.s

■ . F , AC1, , LT * of an- Animal Body, is defined to be the and Preparations of either Pharmacy.

. !„ T>.._n: Tl;. T7 \ • ™__... -n _. 1 l_i

principle whereby the Body performs its Funftions. This is ulua,Iy diftinguifli'd with regard to the feveral Func-

Under the Vegetative Faculty, are comprehended the

Fjeces, in Chymiftry, denotes the Lees, Rcfufe, Dirt, Mud, Ordures, Impurities, Excrements and heterogeneous Matters remaining in the Alembic after the Diftillation of any Body. See Distillation.

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