Page:Cyclopaedia, Chambers - Volume 1.djvu/829

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Places; or by the Saks of the Earth, they have been pre- ferv'd entire, and fometitnes petrify'd. See Deluge.

Others think, that thofe Shells, found at the Tops of the highcft Mountains, could never have been carried thither by the Waters, even of the Deluge; inafmuch as moft of thefe teafon of the Weight of their Shells, always remain at theBottom of the Water, and never move but clofe along the Ground..

They imagine, that a Year's Continuance of the Waters of the Deluge, intermix'd with the fait Waters of the Sea, upon the Surface of the Earth, might well give occafion to the Production of Shells of divers kinds in different Cli- mates; and that the univerfal Saltnefs of the Water was the real Caufe of their Refemblance with the Sea Shells. The Lakes form'd dayly by the Retention of Rain, or Spring Water, produce different Kinds.

Others think, that the Waters of the Sea, and the Ri- vers, with thofe which fell from Heaven, turn'd the whole Surface of the Earth upfide down; after the fame manner as the Waters of the Loire, and other Rivers, which roll in a Sandy Bottom overturn all their Sands, and even the Earth it felf, in their Swellings and Inundations : And that in this General Subverfion, the Shells come to be in- terr'd here, Fifties there, Trees there, igc. See the foum. des Scavans, MSDCC XF. p. 10. and the Mem. d'e Trev. 1713.

But no body has fet this Sentiment in a better Tight, than Dr. Woodward, in his Nat. Hiftcry of the Earth. That Ingenious Author maintains the whole Mafs of Earth, with every thing belonging thereto, to have been fo broke, and diflolv'd, at the Time of the Deluge, that a new Earth was form'd in the Bofom of the Water, confiding of different Strata, or Beds of terreftrial Matter, ranged over each other nearly, according to the Order of their fpecifick Gravities. See Strata. By this means, Plants, Animals, and efpe- cially Fifties, and Shells, not yet diffolv'd among the reft, remain'd mix'd and blended among the Mineral and Fof- fil Matters; which preferv'd them, or at leaft affum'd and rctain'd their Figures and Imprcffions, either indentedly, or in Relievo.

Camerarim attacks this Sentiment of Dt. Woodward, and goes yet higher. He fuppofes i° That the gteateft Part of the Shells now dug from under Ground, had been plac'd there before the Deluge, that is, at the Time of the Crea- tion, when God feparated the Earth from Waters. z° That without having recourfe to the Diflblution of the Earth by the Waters, one might fuppofe moft of them to have flipp'd in at the Chinks and Crevices naturally happening after the Waters were retir'd, and the Earth fufficiently drain'd. 3 That particular Inundations might have fwept moft of thefe Shells into the Places where we now find them. 4 I hat the Sea may have wrought, or caft up moft of thefe Shells through fubterraneous Spiracles and Canals. 5 That GOD has created divers Stony and Metalline Bodies, per- tecfly like the Vegetables and Animals, we fee on Earth,

and in the Sea.-

To all thefe Suppositions, Dr. Woodward anfwers, i° That it is no ways probable, God ftiould create fuch a Number of Shell-fifti of the fame Species at once; and that purely with a Defign to deftroy them all again fo foon after : That among the fojjil Shells of the fame Species, 'tis eafy to di- ftinguifti different Ages : That fome appear precifely fuch as we now find them in the Spring, the Scalon when the Deluge began : That 'tis not only Shells, we find under Ground, but alfo Bones of Quadrupeds, Plants, and Trees of extraordinary Sizes; and which are not of the Number of Aquaticks : And laftly, that the Waters /were feparated from the Earth on the third Day; and that none of thefe Things were created, till afterwards. 2 That, on the fe- cond Suppofition, thefe Shells would be difpos'd perpendi- cularly, and not horizontally, as they are always found : That we ftiould fometimes find of them in the Cefts of the Earth, of which there is none but where they are broke. 3°That we have noAcquaintance with any of thefe pretended Inundations: That they could never have brought Shells, Stags Horns, and Elephants from America, and the Eaft ladies, to England and other Parts of Eurofe; Nor thofe Pines and Beeches, frequently found far greater than any of our Growth. Add, that thefe particular Inundations muft have rifen to the Tops of the higheft Mountains, and of confequence muft have been general. 4. On the fourth Suppofition it muft be held, that God did not only create all thefefcveral Bodies in the Entrails of the Earth; but their fe- veral Parts, and the feparate Pieces and Fragments of thofe Parts; a Piece of a Shell.forlnftance; a Side of aShell,which confifts of two; a Shell void of the Fifti it ftiould contain; Beards of Corn, without the Grain; Pieces of Cedar Bark, without Wood; Pieces of Bullocks Hides without Flefti and Bones 3 human Skins without Bodies; a Bone without the reft of the Skeleton; a Tooth without the Jaw &c. Add, that the fojjil Shells have not only external, but effen- tial Refemblages to Sea Shells; both, e. gr. Yielding, by

Analylis, a Quantity of Sea Salt : That among the fojjil Teeth of Fifties, we meet with fome apparently worn : And laftly, that the Shell Fifti called r Ptirfle, has a long ftiarp Tongue, by means whereof it pierces other Shells, and picks the Fifti out of them; and that in digging under Ground we actually meet with divers of thefe Shells thus piere'd. Can fuch minute, thoro' paced Refemblances be the accidental Effect of a Zufus Nature?

This is the Subftance of what has hitherto been ad- vanced on the Point.

FOSTERLEAN, antiently fignify'd Nuptial Gifts : Much

the fame with what we now call Jointure. See Jointure.

The Word is originally Saxon, and fignifies Ciborum

exhibitio, that is, a Stipend which the Wife has for her


<Poftea fciendum ejl cui Fofterlean pertinent, vadiet hoc Srigdtmits, ci? plegient amici fui.

FOTUS, in Medicine, the fame as Fomentation. See Fomentation. FOVEA Cordis, the Hollow of the Heart. See Heart. FOUGADE, or Fougass, in the Art of War; a kind of little Mine, in manner of a Well, fcarce exceeding ten Foot in Width, and twelve in Depth; dug under fome Work, or piece of Fortification, and charg'd with Barrels or Sacks of Gunpowder. 'Tis fet on fire like other Mines, with a Sau- cidge. See Mine.

The Word is French. M. Huet derives it from focata, of focus, Fire.

FOULE, in the Sea Language, is us'd in various Senfes; viz. When a Ship has been long untrimm'd, fo that Grafs, Weeds, Perriwinkles, Barnacles, or the like ftick or grow to her Sides under Water, the is faid to befotile. Again, a Rope is faid to be foule, when it is either tangled in it felf, or hindred by another, fo that it cannot run, or be haled. — A Ship is faid to make foule Water, when being under Sail, the comes into fuch Shole,. or low Water, that tho' her Keel do not touch the Ground; yet Ihe comes fo hear it, that the Motion of the Water under her raifes the Mud from the Bottom, and io fouls the Water.

FOUNDATION, that Part of a Building under Ground : Or, the Mafs of Stone, &c. which fupports a Building; or upon which the Walls of a Superftrucr.ure arejAisM : Or, it is the Coffer, or Bed, dug below the Level of the Ground, to raife a Building upon; in which Senfe the Foundation either goes the whole Area and Extent of the Building, as when there are to be Vaults, Cellars, or the like; or it is drawn in Cuts, or Trenches, as when only Walls are to be rais'd. See Building.

The Fotmdation is properly fo much of the Mafonry, as reaches as high as the Surface of the Ground; and is always to be proportion 'd to the Load, or Weight of the Building it is to bear.

Sometimes it is maftive, and continued under the whole Building; as in the antique Arches, and Aqueducts, and fome Amphitheatres : More ufually it is only in Spaces, or Intervals; either to avoid Expence, or becaufe the Vacuities are at too great a diftance, in which latter cafe they make ufe of infolated Pillars, bound together by Arches. — ■

That we may found our Habitation firmly, fays Sir ILWotton, we muft firft examine the Bed of Earth, upon which we are to build; and then the Under-cielings, or Subft'ruction, as the An- tients call'd it. For the former, we have a general Precept in Vitruvius, Subflrutlionis Fundationes fodiantur, ji queant inveniri ad folidum g? in folido : By which he recommends not only a diligent, but even jealous Examination of what the Soil will bear; advifing us not to reft upon any appear- ing Solidity, unlefs the whole Mould thro' which we cut, have likewife been folid. But how deep we ftiould go in this Search, he has no where determined, as perhaps depending more on Difcretion, than Regulariry, according to the Weight of the Work : Yet Valladio has ventur'd to reduce it to a Rule; allowing for the Cavajione, i. e. hollowing or under- digging, a fixth Part of the Height of the whole Fabrick, unlefs there be Cellars under Ground, in which cafe he would have it fomewhat lower. Sir H. Wotton's Elem. of Archi- tecture. •

The Foundations of Buildings are either Natural, or Ar-. tificial.

Natural, as when we build on a Rock, or a very folid Earth; in which cafe we need not feek for any further Strengthen- ing.

But, if the Ground be fandy, or marftiy, or have lately been dug; in fuch cafe recourfe muft be had to Art. In the former Cafe, the Architect muft adjuft the Depth of the ' I Foundation by the Height, Weight, (gc. of the Building : A I fixth Part of the whole Height is look'd on as a Medium : I And as to Thicknefs, double that of the Width of the Wall, is a good Rule.

Where the Natutal Foundation may not be trufted, they ] either fortify the Ground by fallifying it, i. e. driving it full of Piles; fee Pallification : Or elfe lay large wooden Planks at the Bottom of the Trenches, dug for the Founda- tion. I n