Page:Cyclopaedia, Chambers - Volume 2.djvu/164

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Cubic Meaſures of Capacity for Things Dry.

·Engliſh Dry or Common Meaſures, are raiſed from the Wincheſter Gallon; which contains 272¾ Solid Inches, to hold of pure Running or Rain-Water, nine Pound, thirteen Ounces. This ſeems to ſtand on the foot of the Old Wine Gallon, of 224 Cubic Inches; 12 being to 141220, as 224 to 272½. Yet by an Act of Parliament, made 1697, it is decreed, That a round Buſhel, eighteen Inches and a half wide, and eight deep, is a legal Wincheſter Buſhel. But ſuch a Veſſel will only hold 250.42 Cubic Inches; conſequently the Gallon will only contain 2684/5 Cubic Inches. The Diviſions and Multiples are as in the Table following.

French Dry Meaſures, are the Litron, Buſhel, Minot, Mine, Septier, Muid, and Tun. The Litron is divided into two Demi-litrons, and four Quarter-litrons, and contains 36 Cubic Inches of Paris. By Ordonnance, the Litron is to be three Inches and a half high ; and three Inches, ten Lines broad. The Litron for Salt is larger, and is divided into two Halves, four Quarters, eight Demi-quarters, and ſixteen Meſurettes.——————The Buſhel is different in different Juriſdictions. At Paris, it is divided into Demi-Buſhels ; each Demi-Buſhel into two Quarts ; the Quart into two Half-quarts ; and the Half-quart into two Litrons : ſo that the Buſhel contains ſixteen Litrons. By Ordonnance, the Paris Buſhel is to be eight Inches, two Lines and a half high ; and ten Inches broad, or in Diameter, within-ſide. The Minot conſiſts of three Buſhels ; the Mine of two Minots, or ſix Buſhels ; the Septier of two Mines, or twelve Buſhels ; and the Muid of twelve Septiers, or a hundred forty-four Buſhels. The Buſhel for Oats is eſtimated double that of any other Grain; ſo that there go twenty-four Buſhels to make the Septier, and two hundred eighty-eight to make the Muid. It is divided into four Picotins ; the Picotin containing two Quarts, or four Litrons. The Buſhel for Salt is divided into two Half-Buſhels, four Quarters, eight Half-Quarters, and ſixteen Litrons; four Buſhels make a Minot, ſixteen a Septier, and a hundred ninety-two a Muid. The Buſhel for Wood is divided into Halves, Quarters, and Half-Quarters. Eight Buſhels make the Minot, ſixteen a Mine ; twenty Mines, or three hundred and twenty Buſhels, the Muid. For Plaiſter, twelve Buſhels make a Sac, and thirty-fix Sacs a Muid. For Lime, three Buſhels make a Minot, and forty-eight Minots a Muid. See Bushel. ——————The Minot is, by Ordonnance, to be eleven Inches, nine Lines high ; and fourteen Inches eight Lines in diameter. The Minot is compoſed of three Buſhels, or ſixteen Litrons; four Minots make a Septier, and forty eight a Muid.——————The Mine is no real Veſſel, but an Eſtimation of ſeveral others. At Paris, the Mine contains fix Buſhels, and twenty-four make the Muid. At Rouen, the Mine is four Buſhels; and at Dieppe, eighteen Mines make a Paris Muid, See Muid.——————The Septier differs in different Places : At Paris, it contains two Mines, or eight Buſhels ; and twelve Septiers the Muid. At Rouen, the Septier contains two Mines, or twelve Buſhels. Twelve Septiers make a Muid at Rouen, as well as Paris; but twelve of the latter are equal to fourteen of the former. At Toulon, the Septier contains a Mine and half; three of which Mines make the Septier of Paris. See Septier.——————The Muid, or Muy, of Paris, conſiſts of twelve Septiers ; and is divided into Mines, Minots, Buſhels, &c. That for Oats is double that for other Grain ; i.e. contains twice the Number of Buſhels. At Orleans, the Muid is divided into Mines; but thoſe Mines only contain two Paris Septiers and a half. See Muid. In ſome Places they uſe the Tun in lieu of the Muid ; particularly at Nantes, where it contains ten Septiers of ſixteen Buſhels each, and weighs about three thouſand three hundred Pounds. Three of theſe Tuns make twenty-eight Paris Septiers. At Rochel, &c. the Tun contains forty-two Buſhels, and weighs two per Cent. leſs than that of Nantes. At Breſt, it contains twenty Buſhels, is equal to ten Paris Septiers, and weighs about two thouſand two hundred and forty Pounds. See Tun.

Dutch, Swediſh, Poliſh, Pruſſian, and Muſcovite Dry 'Meaſures. In theſe Places they eſtimate their Dry Things on the foot of the Laſt, Leſt, Leth, or Lecht ; ſo called, according to the various Pronunciations of the People who uſe it.——————In Holland, the Laſt is equal to nineteen Paris Septiers, or thirty-eight Bourdeaux Buſhels, and weighs about 4560 Pounds; the Laſt they divide into twenty-ſeven Mudes, and the Mude into four Schepels.——————In Poland, the Laſt is forty Bourdeaux Buſhels, and weighs about 4800 Paris Pounds.——————In Pruſſia, the Laſt is 133 Paris Septiers.——————In Sweden and Muſcovy, they meaſure by the Great and Little Laſt; the firſt containing twelve Barrils, and the ſecond half as many. See Last.——————In Muſcovy, they likewiſe uſe the Chefford, which is different in various Places : That of Archangel is equal to three Rouen Buſhels.

Italian Dry Meaſures. At Venice, Leghorn, and Lucca, they eſtimate their dry Things on the foot of the Staro or Staio ; the Staro of Leghorn weighs 54 Pounds : 112 Staro's and ſeven Eighths, are equal to the Amſterdam Laſt. ——————At Lucca, 119 Staro's make the Laſt of Amſterdam. ——————The Venetian Staro weighs 128 Paris Pounds; the Staro is divided into four Quarters. 35 Staro's and 1/5, or 140 Quarters 4/5, make the Laſt of Amſterdam.——————At Naples, and other Parts, they uſe the Tomole, or Tomalo, equal to one Third of the Paris Septier. 36 Tomols and a half, make the Carro ; and a Carro and a half, or 54 Tomols, make the Laſt of Amſterdam.——————At Palermo, 16 Tomoli make the Salma; and four Mondili, the Tomolo. Ten Salma's 3/7, or 171 Tomoli 3/7, make the Laſt of Amſterdam.

Flemiſh Dry Meaſures. At Antwerp, &c. they meaſure by the Vertel; thirty-two and a half whereof, make nineteen Paris Septiers.——————At Hambourg, the Schepel ; ninety whereof make nineteen Paris Septiers.

Spaniſh and Portugueſe Dry Meaſures. At Cadiz, Bilboa, and St. Sebaſtian, they uſe the Fanequa ; twenty-three whereof make the Nantes, or Rochel Tun; or nine Paris Septiers and a half ; tho the Bilboa Fanequa is ſomewhat larger; inſomuch that twenty one Fanequas make a Nantes Tun.——————At Seville, &c. they uſe the Anagros, containing a little more than the Paris Mine; thirty-fix Anagros make nineteen Paris Septiers.——————At Bayonne, &c. the Conqua; thirty whereof are equal to nine Paris Septiers and a half.——————At Lisbon, the Alquier, a very ſmall Meaſure; 240 whereof make 19 Paris Septiers ; 60 the Lisbon Muid.

Engliſh Dry or Corn Meaſures.
341/32 Pint
272¼ 8 Gallon
544½ 16 2 Peck
2178 64 8 4 Buſhels
17424 128 16 8 2 Strike
  256 32 16 4 2 Carnock or Coom
  512 64 32 8 4 2 Seem or Quarter
  3072 384 102 48 24 12 6 Way
  5120 640 320 80 40 20 10 12 Laſt
Jewiſh Dry Meaſures reduced to Engliſh.
              Pecks. Gall. Pints. Sol.Inc.Dec.
Gachal   ———   ———   ——— 0 0 17 0,0033
20 Cab   ———   ———   0 0 25/6 0,120
36 14 Gomor   ———   ——— 0 0 51/10 1,211
120 6 3⅓ Seah ———   ——— 1 0 1 4,03
360 18 10 3 Epha ——— ——— 3 0 3 12,11
1800 90 50 15 5 Leteeh ——— 16 0 0 26,52
3600 180 100 30 10 2 Chomer, Coron 32 0 1 39,04