C 614 )
NEMINE Contradicente, i.e. None contradiBing is, a Term •hiefly ufed in Parliament, when any Matter is carried with univerfal Confcnt.
5S73 S37
Tome the other, form'd from the Sound or Voice of thofe that weep.
NEOMENIA, in the Schools, Sgc. a Term ufed for the New Moon. See Moon.
Some fay, the Jraireckon'd two kinds of NeomenU, or
For Example. Suppofe the Multiplicand
5978, and the Multiplicator 937. From the
outermoft Triangle on the right-hand (Tab.
NENIA,orN«NiA, intheantient Poetry, a kind of Ver- Algebra, Fig. 2.) which correfponds to the
fes fung at the Obfequiesof the Dead. See Obsequies. right-hand Figure of the Multiplicator 7, write
Authors reprefent them as ferry Compofitions, iung by out the Figure 6, placing it under the Line. In
hired Women-Mourners. The firit Rife of thefe Nenia is the next Rhomb, towards the left, add 9 and
afcribed to the Phrygians. 5 ; their Sum being 14, write the right-hand
The Word comes from the Greek mU, on which Scaliger Figure, viz. 4, againft 6 ; carrying the left- 5602180" obferves that it Jhould be wrote in Latin Nenia, not N<eni». hand Figure, 1, to 4 and 3, which are found
Gmcbart notes Nmia to have antiently been the Name in the next Rhomb. The Sum 8, join to the 45 already of a Song to lull Children a-fleep, and conjectures it to put down: after the fame manner, in the laft 'Rhomb come from the Helrew J'J Mb, Child. add 6 and 5, the latter Figure of the Sum ,1, put down as
In the Heathen^ Antiquity, the Goddefs of Tears and before, and carry 1 to the 3 found in the left-hand Triangle ■ Funerals was call'd Nenia, whom fome fuppofe to have the Sum 4 join as before on the left of 1845: Thus given that Name to the Funeral-Song ; and others to have will you have the FaBum of 7 into 5978 ; and after the taken her Name from it. Some will have the one, and fame manner will you have the FaBum of the Multipli- cand, into the other Figures of the Multiplicator: The whole added together gives the whole Product.
Vfe of Neper's Boxes in Dim/ion.
Difpofe the LamelU fo, as that the uppcrmoft Figures
New Moons ; the firft on the Day of her Conjunction with may exhibit the Divifor ; to thefe, on the left-hand join
the Sun ; the fecond on that of her Apparition, or Thafls ; 'he LamelU of Units. Defcend under the Divifor, till you
and add, that they celebrated two PafTovers, by reafon of meet thofe Figures of the Dividend, wherein 'tis firft re.
the uncertainty which of thefe Days it mould be held on. quir'd, how oft the Divifor is found, or at lead the next
F. Hardouin, on the contrary, maintains, they had no lefs Number, which is to be fubliracted from the Dividend -
other Neomema but that of the Moon's Conjunction with the Number correfponding to this, in the Place of Units'
the Sun ; which it was eafy to afcertain by Aflronomical write down for a Quotient. By determining the other parts
Calculation : whereas the other was liable to Miftakes ; of the Quotient after the fame manner, the Divifion will
the Moon fometimes not /hewing herfelf till four or five be compleated.
days after her Conjunction. See Passover. For Example. Suppofe the
NEOPHYTES, Neopiiytje, i.e. New Flams, in the Dividend 5501381?, and the Di-
Primitive Church, were new Chriftians ; or the Heathens vifor 5978 ; fince it is firft asked
newly converted to the Faith. how often 5978 isfound in 56013,
_ The Fathers never difcover'd the Myfleries of their Re- defcend under the Divifor, (Tab.
ligion to the Neophytes. Aritii. Fig. .) till in the
The Term is Hill apply'd to the Converts which the loweft Series you find the Num-
Miffionaries make among the Infidels. The Japonefe Neo- ber 53802, approaching neareft
phytes in the latter end of the 16th, and beginning of the to 56013 ; the former whereof
17th Century, arefaidto have fhewn Prodigies of Courage is to be fubftraSed out of the
and Faith, equal to any in the Primitive Church. latter, and the Figure 9 cor-
The Word has formerly been likewife ufed for New refponding thereto in the LamelU of Units write down for
Priefts, or thofe full admitted into Orders 3 and fometimes the Quotient. To the Remainder 221 1, join the folio wins
for the Novices in Monafteries. Figure of the Divifor S ; and the Number i-:o 34 being
Originally the Word fignifies a new Flam, being form'd found, as before, to be the next lefs Number thereto, the
of the Greek re©-, new, and fu'a, I produce, n. d. newly correfponding Number in the LamelU of Units -, is 'to ba
born ; Baptifm, whereby they commenced Neophytes, be- wrote down for the Quotient ; and the Subflra'ct'ion to L
'"g * 1 SE,4?™S Bittl V continued as before. After the fame manner the third and
NEPENTHE, in Phatmacy, a Name given to an Opi- laft Figure of the Quotient will be found to be 7 • and the
ate, or Laudanum, by Theo.Swingerus, from the great Opi- whole 937.
nion he had of its giving Eafe in all manner of Pain ; the NEPHEW, a Term relative to Uncle and Aunt, figni-
Word importing as much, from the Privative, m, ma, or fying a Brother or Sifter's Son; who, according to the Ci-
aljque, without ; and ™8« f , LuBus, Sorrow. vil Law, is in the third Degree of Confanguinity • and ac-
The Nepenthe mention'd in antient Authors, was a Plant, cording to the Canon Law, in the fecond. See Agnation
now unknown. Homer fays, it was a Plant of Egypt ; and and Coo nation.
597?)56'oi346('957 53802
22118 i7?34
41845 41S45
adds, that Helena made ufe of it to charm her Hofts, and make 'em forget their Pains.
Some Authors fay, it was the Plant we call Helen'mm, and others JEnopia. M. Petit has a Diffcrtation on the an- tient Nepenthe,
NEPER's, Naiper's, ot Napier's Bones, an Inftru-
The Word is form'd from the Latin Nepos ; which in the corrupt Ages of that Language fignified the fame thing.
NEPHRITES, or Nephriticus Dolor, in Medicine, a Name given to a painful Difeafe occafion'd by the Stone or Gravel in the Kidneys. See Stone.
The Word is borrow'd from the Greek ntpei
ment, whereby Multiplication and Divifion of large Num- of the Reins 5 from ntcx, Rein. SteKmNEv
bers are much facilitated and expedited ; fo call'd* from its Inventor 3. Neper, Baron ofMercbiflon in Scotland.
ConfruBion of Neper's Bones.
Five Rods, Plates, or Lamelk, are provided of Wood, Metal, Horn, Paftboard, or other Matter, (Tab. Algebra, Fig. i.j of an oblong Form, and divided each into nine 1 ittle Squares; each of which is refolved into two Triangles by Diagonals.
In thefe little Squares are wrote the Numbers of Multi plication Table hand Figures, the Tens or angle : As in the Figure.
The Greeks give the Name n?um, to the firft Fcrteh-a of the Loins, from its neighbourhood to the Kidneys. See Vertebra
NEPHRITIC, fomething that relates to the Kidneys. See Kidney. j
The Word is form'd of the Greek npe-s, Rein, Kidney.
Nephritic Colic, is a Colic or Pain arifing from a Stone or Gravel in the Reins, £=?c.
This is the moft cruel of all Colics. See Colic
NEPHROTICS, Medicines proper for Difeafes of the
s Grafs, Pimpre-
Turpcntine, lye.
Vfe o/Neper's Sonesin Multiplication.
nella, red Chich-Peas,
See Lithontiiriptic.
NEPHRITICUM £,>«<«, a j^ of Medicinal Wood
growing in New Spain, chiefly in the Kingdom of Mexico ■ To multiply any given Number by another 5 difpofe the call'd by the Indians, Coalt Tiapalcypathy, as bring foreS LamelU in filch manner, as that the top Figures may ex- againft Nephritic Pains. SeeWoon ^ lovereign
hibit the Multiplicand ; and to thefe on the left-hand, join It muft be chofen well clear'd of its Bark and Rind - it the LamelU of Units; m which feek the right-hand Figure is of a bitter Tafte, and a reddiflt yellow Colon ; 'but of the Multiplicator; and the Numbers correfponding when infufed in cold Water, gives it sky-bin Tinkre thereto in the Squares of the other LamelU, write out, when view'd by a falfe Light, and a Lid Co Io Tbi by adding the feveral Numbers occurrmg in the fame a true one : A little of any Acid beins inked mlT'.K- Rhomb together and their Sums. After the fame man- Tinfture, both Colours difjpear bu, ift^! of Tartar ner write out the Numbers to the other reftores its sky-blue. SeeCoLouk
Figures of the^ Multiplicator ; let them be difpofed under Some fubftitute Ebony, and others red Brafil Wood for one another asm the common Multiplication; and laftly, Lignum Nephriticum, but the Deceit becomes Apparent Z add the feveral Numbers into one Sum. infufing it in Water. -ipparent by