Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/171

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BASILETTI (1515), Vienna Museum; Picta, Altar in Four Panels, St. Sebastian, Berlin Museum ; St. Jerome Heading, National Gallery, London. C. & C., N. Italy, i. 259 ; Meyer, Kttnst Lex., iii. 88 ; Ch. Blanc, cole vonitienne ; Vasari, ed. Mil., iii. G46 ; Lermolieff, 14, 399; Ltlbke, Gescb. ital. Mai., i. 550. BASILETTI, LUIGI,born at Brescia, Italy, in 1780, died in 1860. History and landscape painter, pupil of Santo Cattaneo, then studied in Bologna and in Rome, where he painted Canova's portrait. Works : Guard- ian Angel with Boy, Duomo nuovo, Brescia ; Death of the Niobeds, Temple of Sibyl at Tivoli, Isle of Ischia, and others, Tosi Gal- lery, ib.; Falls of Tivoli, Brera, Milan. Fenaroli, Artisti Breseiani ; Meyer, Kiinst. Lex., iii. 98. BASSANO, FRANCESCO, born at Bas- sano in 1550, died in Venice, July 4, 1591. Ve- netian school; real name Fran- cesco da Ponte ; eldest son and pupil of Jacopo Bassano. Estab- lished himself at Venice; em- ployed in decor- ating the Palazzo Ducale, where he painted the Siege of Padua and five other pictures. He also executed for churches large works which were deserved- ly admired. Became melancholy and killed himself by jumping from a window. Works : Ascension, S. Luigi de' Francesi, Rome ; Fish Market, Louvre ; Flight into Egypt and Adoration of Magi, Duomo, Padua ; Martyrdom of St. Catherine, Palazzo Pitti, Florence ; Rape of Sabines, Turin Gallery ; Adoration of Shepherds and Christ Clearing Temple, Dresden Museum ; Christ at Beth- any, Cassel Gallery ; Adoration of Magi, Last Supper, Madrid Museum. Ch. Blanc, tfcole vdnitienue ; Burckhardt, 750 ; Wornuin, Epochs, 259. BASSANO, JACOPO, called the elder, lx>ru at Bassauo, 1510, died there, Feb. 13, 1592. Venetian school ; real name Jncopo da Ponte; son and pupil of Francesco da Poute the elder ; afterward pupil /-, of Bonifazio Ve- neziauo, and lat- er, it is said, of JA .' Titian. Bassano was perhaps the earliest of Italian genre painters. He excelled in painting landscape and animals, and chose his subjects from Scripture scenes in which they could suit- ably be introduced. He also painted mar- ket scenes, farmyards, and other agricul- tural subjects, as well as historical pict- ures, altarpieces, and portraits. He had four sons and many scholars who worked with him in his studio, and enabled him to multiply his pictures. Among his best works are : Entombment of Christ (1574), S. Maria in Vanzo, Padua ; Adoration of the Shepherds, Louvre ; Nativity, S. Giuseppe, and Baptism of St. Lucillo, S. Valentino, Bassano ; Return of Jacob to Canaan, Pa- lazzo Ducale, Venice ; St. Roch Interceding for the Plague-Stricken, S. Rocco, Piacenza ; Raising of Lazarus, Naples Museum ; Moses and the Burning Bush, and Bassano's Fam- ily, Uffizi, Florence ; Christ Clearing the Temple (replica in National Gallery, Lon- don), Animals Entering Ark, Noah Leaving Ark, Madrid Museum ; Good Samaritan, National Gallery, London. Ch. Blanc, cole vonitienne ; Vasari, ed. Le Mou., xiii. 42 ; Seguier, 153, 713 ; Burckhardt, 750. BASSANO, LEANDRO, Cavaliere, born at Bassano in 1558, died in Venice in lf>23. Venetian school ; real name Leaudro da Ponte, third son and pupil of Jacopo Bas- sano. Painted for some time in his father's style, but some of his portraits having brought him fame at Venice, he confined himself afterward almost entirely to portraiture. 107